Bad dreams


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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Nova scotia, Canada
Not ones everyone want to remember...but heres one I had last night.

I'm at my best friends house, everthing is fine and dandy, we're watching a movie. His parents come in and join us, and we start talking. next thing, I hear the whistling sound outside, and we all lok out. there was a tornado coming our way.

I instant;y ran into a closet, and you know the feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster and it's going up? or down? I dunno...

Yeah...anyway, I'm in the closet of the house, and I notice i'm at an angle against the wall...5 seconds later, we hit the ground, I ehar the sound of the house basically shattering, and boom ,I wake up.

This really freaked me out, mainly because I hate storms, lightning, and all of that it is now, it is currently storming while i'm typing this...

Apparently I have really, really bad nightmares. I've had them all my life.

I've had dreams where I'm standing behind, and there's a wofl thing attacking my Mum and my brother, and I'm watching it but I don't do anything. I've had dreams where I've been shot and stabbed, etc.

The worst part is they're recurring. I just have them over & over, and then eventually it'll change.

It's really strange because I've had dreams where toenails have been ripped off and sharp things shoved into there the nail should be, and I can like, feel the pain. It's weird.

The most recent dream I've had lately is my friend Rachel and I are kidnapped and put like somehwere random on the bush. We end up finding her grandparents' house, but they're not inside. Anyway, they invite us to come inside and say it's getting dark, and it's not, but then suddenly the sun is gone. So we go inside, and the woman is brushing Rachel's hair, and needs a hairtie, so they go to the bathroom to get one so the woman and tie it back.

They don't come back for a while, so I get worried and go see them. Then Rach is in the bathtub, bleeding, and the woman is standing there just, oddly. So anyway I go to see if Rachel is okay, but she's cold and dead. Then the woman gets me and takes me to the man and he rapes me and it's scary D:

;-; I hate sleeping because when I have a dream like that I don't wake up after it, I just keep sleeping.

I don't remember the last time I had a dream that either wasn't from the beginning a nightmare, or didn't turn into one. Needless to say, I'm somewhat used to them by now. I still wake up in a "wtf" state of mind, but they're just dreams xP

I have bad dreams every other night. I swear. D: I can't remember any specific one now, but I probably will soon. x3

I usually wake up still half in dreamland and start panicking after I've had a bad dream. I remember once, I had a dream that these two people were dragging me to the edge of a cliff, and pushed me over, and I was falling, and it was so weird. I was just about to hit the ground when I woke up and looked around, only to realise I'd fallen out of bed. It was weird.

We all have bad dreams sometimes, it's just our sub-conscious thing dealing with stuff -doesn't really understand it so yeah-. But during 9/11, I was quite young and used have nightmares about it. Since it was on every TV channel, I couldn't watch anything else and I used to be scared to go in any buildings. After a while the nightmares stopped, and now I'm older I realised they're just nightmares. They won't harm you unless you're in some Freddy Kruger movie.

I always have a lot of nightmares where I'm holding my breath because I'm stuck underwater, and I wake up gasping for air. (that means in my dream, while I was underwater, I held my breath in real life) That's most likely the way I'm gonna die. So whoever says dreams can't hurt you, they're really wrong.

But then I had this dream two weeks ago, there was this dude with a gun in my house, and I was crying blood, and I kept on screaming "KILL ME"

(based off the story SpringValley I wrote which Is posted in "Stuff we read"

As a little kid, I used to get this recurring nightmare where some big strong dude would pick me up and squeeze me - Then I couldn't breathe for a few seconds and I'd wake up gasping for air. It was... odd.

I always have a lot of nightmares where I'm holding my breath because I'm stuck underwater, and I wake up gasping for air. (that means in my dream, while I was underwater, I held my breath in real life) That's most likely the way I'm gonna die. So whoever says dreams can't hurt you, they're really wrong.
You'd wake up before you could die, you're body would realise it's in danger.

Whenever I have a bad dream, I just shake it off and go back to sleep. But there was this one dream that I had almost every night for a long time that really scared me.

I would see this face that wasn't human. It looked like one of those theater masks, but it was distorted and scary looking like a demon or something. It had sharp teeth and it would threaten me. It would say "I'm going to get you. You can't run from me, and your parents can't help you. You're going to die." The first night it happened I woke up and I was still seeing the face in my mind. I was really scared. So scared that I actually had to get out of my room. I didn't feel alone. I literally felt like something was there watching me.

This would continue almost every night after that. I actually believed something was after me. That never happened before, and it really freaked me out. XD

I had a strange dream, at about 2 AM. Then suddenly a big voice in the dream said 'Never answer the doorbell before 5AM' then I suddenly woke up and the doorbell was ringing at 2AM in the morning. My heart was thudding like hell. We didn't answer the door though...o_O

I have this dream that I remember clearly --- This newsreader lady was chasing me all around the country with a giant knife and was trying to murder me. Everyone saw, but no one did anything about it. I've been scared of that newsreader ever since.

And I had this other dream where one of the teachers in my school found out that I go on TT and MSN and that I socialise with people whom I never met, so she went to the school kitchen, got a knife, and then ran up to me and tried to cut my neck open. The principal saved me though. :)

My worst dreams, I'm always either trapped, running, or hiding. I die alot in my dreams. But in dreams, I'm never scared of dying because I know I'll wake up as soon as I'm shot.

Otherwise, my scary dreams always seem hilarious when I wake up. Like, they're horrifying when they happen, but just bizarre when I actually think them over.

Generally, the more I try to think about a dream, the more I forget it, so it's hard to directly answer the question x_x;;

There was one when my mom was hit by a truck but everyone was laughing, and I woke up crying. :/

LOTS where I have to kill all the zombies!

Others where strangers come to my house threatening us for no reason, but my dog always saves the day! :ichigotchi: By ripping the strangers' limbs off :)

I've had dreams where I've actually DIED. Everything faded to white and there was a holy noise... It was so weird.

I had a really scary disturbing dream the other night, but I won't type it up on account of it being innaproppriate for TamaTalk =[ *shivers*

I've had reoccuring dreams about really big Tsunamis... I havn't had one in while though. Thank goodness. Once, I woke up from one and then a branch blew into my bedroom window and I screamed at the top of my lungs because it looked like water! Gosh, I still remember how scared I was.

This is the last bad dream I had:

I woke up and I was covered in warts, all over my whole body. o.o;

When I woke up I was like: 'Yay! I've got my skin back again!' XD

It seems that these days, there's hardly anything good to dream about. My life's pretty complicated, I've started to become one of those people who freak out over everything, so either I'm so tired I fall into bed straight away and don't have any dreams at all or I have nightmares where the police chase me all over the city with machine guns in their hands while I try to literally "fly" over buildings to escape them. Sometimes, though I get so excited when I dream that I actually scream out loud but when I wake up I find out that I didn't do anything when I was asleep, I just tossed and turned a lot.

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