Bad Habits?


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2006
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emoland :D
do u have any bad habits?

my bad habits are

-chewing on my nails ( i dont do it that much no more)

-popping my fingers. i frequently pop them a lot.

i cant seem to find more >.<

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My bad habits are:

-Biting my Nails

-Going to bed at Late hours. Such as 3-5 am. Then Waking up past noon.

-Swearing [Will I ever give up that habit. No.I.Won't]

-Cracking my knuckles.

Theres probably a few more. But I can't think of anything else :|

-Talking to much. D: I talk my brother's ear off about how amazing Link is~ <3

-Not exercising. I think I'm going to go walk on the treadmill. x3

-Drinking too much water. But that's not really bad...

-Going on TT for too long...

Let me see...

-Biting my nails

-Chewing my lip ALL the time. :(

-Singing randomly (Like if someone is talking to me, I sometimes brake out in song. It's weird.)

-Biting nails

-Cracking knuckles

And I used to pick my nose when I was younger, if that counts.. xD

○ Falling off/over/onto/into everything. And I mean everything.

○ Spacing out a lot and officially having a 'moment' named after me.

Teacher: Jo, what is the capital of Russia?

Jo: Sorry, what?

Teacher: I said what is the capital of Russia?

Jo: OH. Sorry, major Esther moment there.

Me: You better have been having a moment of extreme sexiness then.

All: XD

○ Being spazzy. Although I'm not sure if this would classify as a bad habit. More just a way of life. <3

Well I scratch at my head. It's just a nervous habit. Whenever I'm just sitting around my hand finds it's way to my scalp and I just kind of dig my nails into my head. My head has bled before because of this. It's something I probably need to stop. [i don't have lice or anything, if you're getting that impression. ._. ]

I swear a lot. And scream profanities / other inappropriate and sexual phrases all the time. I have a habit of making inappropriate [PERVERTED] comments and comebacks in just about every conversation.

I crack my fingers on a daily basis.

I'm very insecure about myself... does that count as a bad habit?

I trip over things a lot. :|

I procrastinate.

Oh, I have an addiction to Mountain Dew. High-sugar caffeine soda. It's really unhealthy for me, and I like, have to have it on a daily basis. :|

- Biting my nails

- Picking Fights

- Singing... .___.

- Not going to bed until 3 am, and waking up at 6 for school.

- Not doing my homework when I get home, going to bed at 12, then setting my phone alarm for 5 am, and doing my homework then.

I'm sure there are more.

- Thinking superficial thoughts! Haha. My friends all think about Greenpeace and Global Warming and I'm sitting there thinking about make-up, clothes and beauty. Haha.

- Getting my hopes up.... When I do, they just get crushed.

- When I walk down a hallway I am paranoid that people are laughing at me, talking about me or staring at me. ):

- I can procrastinate quite a bit.

My bad habbits are Bitting my nails. (There looking good now, thats why I'm trying to stop.)

and going to bed late.(1 O'clock in the morning.) :D

-Falling over too much. Well, its not a habit...its accidental.

-Dropping everything. I accidentally dropped my friend's camera in a lake while on a boat a few years ago D:

-Not brushing my teeth. Well, i do everyday, but the dentist says I need to do it more then once.

-Going to the doctors too often when nothing's wrong...

-Talking too much.

-Snorting when I laugh.

-Being on the compy too much...

-Listening to Boom boom boom boom too often [Yeah, its bad, it gets nnoying for other people].

-Licking my fingers after eating deliciousness.

-Making up ridiculous recipes, trying them and failing. Acid = Cooking bud!!

-Downloading too much.

-Crossing my fingers at random times for no reason.

-Watching The Biggest Loser. They torture people, yet its interesting.

-Drinking straight out of the bottle [Like, lemonade bottle etc..when its meant to be used for the family aswell].

-Mentioning my TT buds too often. My friends get annoyed with it, but seriously, you guys are mentioned in like every second sentence I say.

Errr....yeah...I am full of bad habits D:

@Esther: Lol. I come from Russia, although sometimes I think the capital is St Petersberg instead of Moscow. Wait....yeah...I think its Moscow xP

- Caffeine

- Chewing my nails

- Caffeine

- Chewing on the inside of my mouth

- Caffeine

- Chewing on my pencil

- Caffeine

- Chewing on anything I can reach

- Caffiene.

So yeah. The caffeine thing is getting pretty bad. And the chewing thing too, especially because I tend to trip and swallow whatever I was chewing, which is occasionally really, really bad.

- Procrastinating.

- Tidying everything/putting everything the correct place/straightening stuff up before I go to sleep or leave my room for anything.

- Drinking too much tea. :3

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