BanDai UK And the V5.5


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Coco Boy

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Oct 4, 2007
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I sent e-mails to BanDai UK. These were about the V5.5 and translating.

Hi Kurt,
1.  It now looks like we won’t be doing a Plus version of the Familitchi here in the UK. 

2.  Tamagotchis are based on the ones in Japan.  Development and translations are done in our European Head Office in France though, not here in the UK.


Marketing Department

Bandai UK
Let's just hope that Bandai UK changes their minds and does release a Plus version of the Familitchi in the UK.

Because if the UK doesn't get it, Australia almost certainly won't.

Australia won't get one? but they usualy release the newer versions in Australia i agree! this totaly blows:p.

Australia won't get one? but they usualy release the newer versions in Australia i agree! this totaly blows:p.
I don't know for sure. It's just that if the v5.5/Familitchi Plus isn't released in England, Australia probably won't get the v5.5. It seems to me that us Australians get the short end of the stick when it comes to Tamagotchi. After all, we got our v4.5 so late last year, I think they came out in like October.

But on the other hand... Australia got the V5 before anyone else in the world did.

Well, America and England and Australia all speak the same language, so why translate it into French and not English?

I doubt most of us can speak French.

ahh pore you guys but think off people who dont have tamas or dont even have a home pore them not people who can get this kinda stuff but i agree it does kinda stink also make sure you love the tamas you have and dont neglet them

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