Bandai UK New Tamagotchi Release!


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was bored so made this poster :D


I found all six Tamagotchi Friends designs available on an online Australian games and electronics retailer


Even if not, it's only $40 on this site with FREE shipping!

This is definitely a trustworthy site, by the way, because my brother bought two video games from there!

I just bought a pink gem Tamagotchi Friends!

EDIT: FAILURE I FORGOT TO LINK TO THE SITE! **backflips into the sun**
Thanks, EMF!

It may be true, Aussies: TFs might come to Australia!

I'll update later.


Actually Tamacass, they could've bought it in bulk from Poland or somewhere where it had been released

I sent an email to Ozgames saying:

Hello, I was interested in purchasing the product, Tamagotchi Friends Pink Gem. I know of this product being sold in Europe but I did not know it was available to purchase in Australia. May I ask where you got the stock, and if the product is available in Australian stores?
And they answered,

Thanks for your email.

Can you please explain this further?

**sends them another email**

Actually it's not released yet in Poland, some people say that it will be released in February. But some shops already sell it, not only online ones, for some reason.

Ozgamesshop got back to me and apparently they're a UK company, although they have branches that specialize in shipping to other countries, e.g. Australia.

Ozgamesshop got back to me and apparently they're a UK company, although they have branches that specialize in shipping to other countries, e.g. Australia.
Really? Because I'm pretty sure I saw some on eBay for $39.99 as well from UK and the shop was called aus games or something XD

Glad to see some reviews coming in. I really want one but I am just going to wait until I can get some locally.

Wow. This is good feedback!
I've seen how some people think that the TF is basically a "Tamago V2". From my point of view, NO WAY!
Even better, it doesn't take a whole 2 DAYS for the egg to hatch when you've gotten married. That's MUCH better!


In that case, the V2 is way to similar to the V3 and the P's is too similar to the iD L.
Yeah no the v1 and v2 were similar and so were the v2 and 3 by a little but not the p's and the idl the p's was supposed to be a sequel to the idl anyway it's the dream town version of the idl but the features are quite different like I've said they've added a lot and taken a lot out

Besides all of the English versions for connection 1-4.5 are the exact same with added features bandai Japan made theirs a bit more different by changing the versions a lot (eg the change from entama to tamas hook then to v5) but I think it's about time bandia try and did something more on the high tech side I'm sure bandai Japan will just do that though soon lol

Got mine today! It's so cute! :D I have bad lighting in my room so these photos turned out weird XD

It's very cute! I already love this version. :) I am not at all disappointed! The screen is hard to see in not-very-good light but otherwise it's definitely one of the best versions ever and I've only played for a few mins <3

The buttons are very pleasant to press and the sounds are absolutely perfect! Not as beepy as the connections and not as fuzzy as the Tama-Go. :]

Also, the size is perfect too... the Tamagotchi is heavy at the back so it feels just perfect in my hand... It's just so perfect! I've said perfect too much lol.



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V2 came a year after the v1 and it still had some changes. Tamagotchi Friends came three years after the Tama Go, and it's not that different... When it comes to hardware, it sure is, but the engine is not different enough. And say what you want, Tama Go was not successful, so I don't know what were they thinking. A lot of people bought Tama Go because "omg, tamagotchi!" and yet it didn't sell well.

Remember Tamagotchi Clover, a project of one of Tama Zone members? THAT would be quite a tamagotchi- not simple, not complicated.

I just can't get over how AMAZING the sprites for the jewelry are! I don't care if they don't do anything, they're just stunning to look at! I was in awe by them in Carol's video and they look even better on the toy in person... I don't like jewelry lol but I can tell Bandai did such an AMAZING job on these sprites! @w@

BTW I LOVE the close-up sprites for the characters as well! Just beautiful <3

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I'm surprised Bandai hasn't added a backlight to one of the B/W Tamagotchi models yet.

I think the screen's lack of clarity in dark places could probably be solved using an external light, though, like the old Wormlights for Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance.

I just can't get over how AMAZING the sprites for the jewelry are! I don't care if they don't do anything, they're just stunning to look at! I was in awe by them in Carol's video and they look even better on the toy in person... I don't like jewelry lol but I can tell Bandai did such an AMAZING job on these sprites! @w@

BTW I LOVE the close-up sprites for the characters as well! Just beautiful <3

Good thing EMF is excited about this. But don't worry, because I will probably EXPLODE when I get mine. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I can't wait! Too bad today is Christmas eve and I haven't gotten mine yet. My TF got shipped 3 days ago (Sunday <_< ) and Dad said that it would probably be a week or 10 days before my package would arrive.

:mellow: ... :( ... :angry:


IDK if anyone has posted this yet, but I will post it anyway.

I can't understand a word in this video, but its a good look:

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