Banoon's flash gallery


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Those are really well-made. Great job!

[SIZE=7pt] Why is Kirby attacking poor hinotamachi? Anyways, WOW! GREAT WORK! Make a longer one and ask admin to put it in the entertainment section! You're VERY Good at flash, And you should really take alot of time to make a long one.....[/SIZE]


That's not Kirby, it's Tamatchi (looking like what he does in the Gameboy tamagotchi).


He's not attacking, he's just annoying.

I'll try to make ep 2 be longer.

But I've no idea for a story.

Help me think up of a story! You'll be credited :lol:

[SIZE=7pt] Hmmm how about......I know! Theres a little place called hinotamachi town and one day it begins to rain!!! So all the hinotamachis have to find a plan so their fires won't go out. So they try everything. They do no like sitting outside so they put a huuuge tend over the town. tHE WIND BLOWS THE TENT AWAY! So they make a tent out of BRICKS. They did not have enough bricks to make it! So finally they get a plan. They build a GIANT GLASS DOME over the town. But the lack of air inside the dome made their fires go out! So then finally they built a giant house with no floor so the grass would be the carpet. Then they built a seethrough roof so they could see the sky. And they would play games in there out of the rain, But they still would be outside!!! ~The end!~[/SIZE]


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