Batteries? CAN'T FIND THEM!


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Well-known member
May 22, 2005
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Help! I can't find batteries for my tamas! Where should I go 2 get em??? :blink:

You can buy them at:




Radio Shack

Future Shop



Or, you could get them online off:




Yahoo Auctions.





Good Luck Getting Them,

Darkcore :blink:

I've gone to all the electronic stores, Wal-mart, and K-mart, but I kan't find batteries!!! Well it mite be because I live on such a small island, but come on!! I have 3 poor little tamagotchi V1 that are dead and one angelgotchi thats dead... I need batteries badd.... I'll check ebay!

I use ebay for my Tamagotchi type batteries.

It's easier and cheaper. :D

But places like WalMart, Target and smaller discount stores should have them. Radio Shack too.

they dont have em... I've looked every saturday and anyother day I can get a ride and they NEVER have them :D I kno I should order em off ebay, but it takes forever to get to hawaii...

Thanks ya'll.... but Darkcore, what the heck is Future Shop & Zellers? Do ya live in the UK er something?

Thanks ya'll.... but Darkcore, what the heck is Future Shop & Zellers? Do ya live in the UK er something?
No, I live in Canada. I thought those stores were worldwide. Where to you live?





o0o0o.... I live in the U.S. I have never hear of Zellers er Future Store. The only REAL CHEAP store that's probably like either Future Shop er Zellers, is the 99 cents store. (And the Dollar Tree!) :furawatchi:

o0o0o.... I live in the U.S. I have never hear of Zellers er Future Store. The only REAL CHEAP store that's probably like either Future Shop er Zellers, is the 99 cents store. (And the Dollar Tree!) :furawatchi:


No. Future shop is an electronic store where you can buy I-pods, laptops, computers, televisions, etc. And Zellers is pretty much just like Wal-Mart.





Well you can get them pretty much anywhere. My mom got them at the Dollar General, but you can go anywhere. And you shouldn't buy them if they are over $3.00 because you can get them a LOT cheaper then that! Here are some of my ideas.......

- WalMart

- Target

- K-Mart

- And any Dollar Store/General

Hope this helps! :furawatchi:

thankx ya'll! really appreciate ur coments! This topic is now closed.

o0o0o.... I live in the U.S. I have never hear of Zellers er Future Store. The only REAL CHEAP store that's probably like either Future Shop er Zellers, is the 99 cents store. (And the Dollar Tree!) :D
me neither. what is zellers? But we know wal-mart and k-mart, etc. I live in the us.

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