Batteries EXPLODING?


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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I was looking in my battery container, and I found that one of my (very expensive!) LR44 batteries had, for lack of a better term, exploded!


That's only one battery; It seems that the top and bottom got un-connected, with some stuff leaking out. The tan stuff looks like battery corrosoin (Sp?) that you would find in a Tama.

I also have another one that seems to be bulging... I put it next to a normal one so you can see...


Does anyone have any idea why the heck this is happening?

They may have gotten too hot in the case and overheated, if this is the case, I would suggest getting a cardboard box to use as a case.

oh no. :( hope you didn't touch them, it could be dangerous.

it might just be the brand or quality of the batteries, that seems to be the cause of most of these problems. judging from some reviews on amazon, it seems that a lot of people have had this problem.

the temperature might have caused it to swell or explode, try keeping it in a cooler or warmer place.

I keep it in my collection box (which is one of those fake books, with the cut-out middles), which stays on the bottom floor of my house. It's usually about 50-70 degrees where I live, lately. (Farenheit)

You need to keep them in a carboard box. the plactic keep all the heat in it and they over heated. wrap the remaing curroded and exploded ones in some cloth and then wrap them in a bag and throw them out. if you have a battery disposial in your town I would suggest dropping them off there.

Keep them in a cardboard box.... and when you pick up the batteries, use a paper towel and throw out both the towel and battery. Touching the battery is extremely dangerous, because it is full of battery ACID. Touching it with your bare skin can cause it to burn, and if you don't wash your hands thouroughly afterward, it can corrode your skin and give you giant blisters. It's happened to me before and it is not fun!

Just always keep the electronics and batteries in a cool, dry place to prevent explosion (like your very unfortunate situation) or melting.

Ever wondered why when you buy batteries, they always have a carboard packaging, so that they can avoid this from happening. Keep them either in carboard box or in a draw that has air! :)

Well, the plastic conatiner they were in has a hole in the top so they can get air; But I keep that container in one of those fake books, which stays closed most of the time.

They might have corroded due to the hot temperature in your house, like there might have been a burner underneath your room (Like a basement) and it caused the batteries to explode. Try keeping them in a cooler place where there's a lower temperature.

Batteries explode if they are installed incorrectly. Have you ever accidentally put the batteries in your Tama upsidedown?

Ooooh... That's kind of weird. Maybe they went too close to fire...? The writing on battery packets say they explode when they go near fire, like candle fire or something.

I don't think we've lit candles in my house since Hanukkah... (December), and they're downstairs, so no fire anywhere near them. :-/

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