Battery Question: How Long Do They Last?


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2004
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I cannot tell you due to legal ramifications. ^^
[SIZE=8pt]I've heard suuu many different answers to this question. I've heard a majority of people telling me they run out insanely fast-like. Within a week or two, their battery is DEAD. And another person told me hers has lasted for months. <3 [/SIZE]


How long have yours lasted for so far?


Also. o: Gasp. Is the US Tamagotchi Connections supposed to come with a spare battery? I've heard it does.. and I don't see mine. o___o;


Sankyuu~ 8D

My first Tamagotchi's original battery first ran out a couple of weeks ago, after only about a week and a half of use. I replaced it and have not had any batteries run out since! And only 2 out of my 5 Tamagotchis came with extra batteries--they were purchased before the rest, in September, at KMart. But I just got a new Tama at KMart tonight and it did not come with extra batteries. Enjoy your Tama!

hi, lots of people have said theirs have died (batteries) after about three weeks.....and for me its been, way over three weeks and, my two american connections are, still doing ok....i think its been four or five weeks and, still goin! :ph34r:

hi, lots of people have said theirs have died (batteries) after about three weeks.....and for me its been, way over three weeks and, my two american connections are, still doing ok....i think its been four or five weeks and, still goin! :ph34r:
[SIZE=8pt]Excellent. Thank you sooo much. 8D I read in earlier posts that Tamagotchi Connection's (US) were having battery problems, and therefore gave a free battery with the Connection. However recently, this has changed because the battery problem was fixed. :)[/SIZE]

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