Bed rooms?


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Rocken Sisters

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2006
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Have you got a tidy room or a messy one? I have a complete tidy one! If you could show us pictures then that would be great!



My room is so clean it sparkles! :huh:

I can't bear having an untidy room like my brother does! :ph34r:

My room has all the cuddlies and my favourite Bratz on my bed and all my dolls playsets behind my bed and all my dolls in their places around the rooms and all my magazines under my bed and all my CDs for my stereo are all organised at the side (I want the bratz CD organiser real bad!) and I always make my bed and hoover it to get those infuriating dead flies and dust off my dolls and stuff!!!

And if i take anything out it has to go back after! :huh:

Oh BTW sorry I can't take pictures. :huh:

My dad won't let me. its a shame though 'cos i just got all my dolls set up on my chest of drawers - it would be cool to show you!!! but oh well. :huh:

i'll get by! :ph34r:

just imagine a pink girly room filled with dolls and cool stuff!!!

Mines in the middle between messy and clean. My closet is a full-out nightmare. For a girl, I am the worst at keeping things in there place.

the only time my room is clean is when someone is coming over and i throw everying in my closet and under my bed! but somtimes i just get an urge to clean it... and i mean REALLY clean it ;)

My rooms a bit of a mess. I need to pick a few things up on the side of my bed, but that's about it. I have a big room so it's hard to make a mess ^.^' What I really need to do is dust though x.x And probably clean my bathroom.

I got two words for ya.


It is messy, until my mom tells me to clean it, I say that I'm busy (even though I sitting there staring at the computer screen, so she cleans it.

Right now, just a little messy. ;)

Depends, I usually have it clean... Mainly messy until I cant take it anymore and clean it. But its fun for me to clean ^^

Clean? What is this 'clean' of which you speak?

My room resembles a tornado wreck ;) But I know where everything is, so it doesn't bother me.

I am the type of person that generally feels happier when the house is clean. My study is usually in good order except when I have assignments to do at uni or just before exam period. Then it usually turns upside down with books and papers everywhere! It is during those times that I don't really have much room for focusing on anything else but my assessments.

I don't know the meaning of 'clean' 0.o

:D My room is is a mess.........first of all, I have stuffed animals and books scattered everywhere. I have shoeboxes and stuff here and ther,e blankets in some places, werid things cramped under my bed, a whole bunch of random toys/craft thingies stuffed into my closet, and dirty clothes on my desk. o.o Omg it's horrid to some people.......but since I know where everything is I am always contented with my room. :p I'm far too lazy to clean my room.


o_O Very strange! My best friend shares her room with her sis and she gets too say "My sis made that mess!" Lol xD. I wouldnt excuse someone though! Would I? XD

HALF of my room is a TOTAL mess, clothes, books and toys ALL over the floor. The other side is VERY tidy, lined with Doctor Who books, toys, action figures, clothes and not forgetting my posters!! lol..... Oh, and a TARDIS wardrobe... lol...

[SIZE=27pt]Clean?![/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt] What is this word "clean" you speak of- could you translate it to English, please, anyone? [/SIZE] ;)

I know the meaning of mess, though! ;) A few words to describe my room:

Tornado wreck





OK, you get the point! My room is the world's messiest room- probarly the fact I bounce on my bed, and toy dogs go flying everywhere!!! :) Hehe! I am not comfortable when the room is..... hmmm.... not a mess! :wacko: I ♥ MESS!

:) //RM :)

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Have you got a tidy room or a messy one? I have a complete tidy one! If you could show us pictures then that would be great!

It depends on my mood. Sometimes when I'm angry I just screw the room even if I just cleaned it.

I know it's weird but w/e...

My room usually is messier during the morning, because I sleep in the same room as my little sister and a lot of her covers fall off her bed during the night, as I am the opposite.

My room is tidy so is my én-suite. The only part of my room which is a bit messy is my bookshelf because I can't fit all of my books onto it. Not enough space. :p

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