Beeping V3


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
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Does anyone's V3 make a slight beeping noise when put up to your ear? My V3 makes a constant beeping noise, my V4 makes no noise at all. I am wondering does it have a fault, as the battery went very fast.

StrawberryFieldsForever :furawatchi:

Yes, all V3s make a small beeping noise, I have a V4 who is quite, so you have typical beeping and silent tamas.

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Yes, all V3s make a small beeping noise, I have a V4 who is quite, so you have typical beeping and silent tamas.
Thanks, So I don't need to worry about it exploding then! :furawatchi:

Thanks, So I don't need to worry about it exploding then! biggrin.gif
LOL!!! Sorry that was funny you thought there might be a bomb!LOL. Anyways ya my tamagotchi does that to! Beep,bepp,beep,beep,beep.Well i am also glad that it isn't a bomb!

P.S (Miss Matchmaker) I never though of it that way! I thought my tama might just be busted! :rolleyes:

ive seen people say its a heartbeat but i just think its counting seconds

I researched and something said that connexions make beeping noises, but connections don't. So one may be a uk/australia version and one american connection version.

Otherwise, yeah, it is normal for it to beep.

My V1, V2's, and V3 all beep but my V4's are silent also.... The silent one is kind of creepy.

In the night my v2 and v3 were quitely beeping but v4 has been changed fo a reson.

:wub: :lol: :wacko: :blink: :eek: :( :huh: :huh: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :kusatchi: :pochitchi: :huh: :D :wacko:

In the night my v2 and v3 were quitely beeping but v4 has been changed fo a reson.
It's kind of good that they changed it, mine was kind of bugging me at night. They are both UK/European versions. I think megamonkey91 is right though, i think it is counting the seconds.

SFF :)

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