Being Accepted


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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2006
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I'm in my own little world...
NOTE: I am NOT emo.

I want to fit in. To not be the odd guy, to not be the guy with only a few friends. I don't want to have people calling me nerd, teasing me about the way I act. Many of us have felt this, and we are all told to be ourselves. But, I tried that already. I moved to public schools in 4th grade. Since then, everyone has known my name, but for all the wrong reasons. I've experiencex the "gay test", where if a guy touches you for 10 seconds it means your gay. I have never known about it, but now I'm "that gay kid". THe kid who also switched to public school with me has now become friends with a bunch of jerks. I am an emotional guy, so sometimes I'm on the verge of tears. THe whole point of all this random stuff is that I want to be accepted as one of the normal people, not as the spazz who cries every now and then. I'd like some help.

Some people are just idiots. Be youself & other people can relate to you more.

Sometimes "normal" people are a waste of one's time and this is a good example of that. Be friends who respect you and accept what you are and who you are. If the others want to snub, let them. They'll get theirs later in life. Karma is a harsh mistress :lol:

Please just do one thing for me - Don't change for anyone but yourself. These guys that are teasing you are just jerks. And the gay test? Never heard it. It seems phony. Me and my girls touch each other for more than ten seconds and does that make us lez? No. You can be whoever you want to be. There is no such thing as normal. Everyone is unique and special. A public school and a private school are quite different in some ways but very similar in others. Both have kind teachers, strict teachers, people who are good friends, people who aren't so nice. Don't feel you have to change yourself to fit there standards. Make your own standards and have your own definition of cool. I know it can be overwhelming when many people are paying you out at once and anyone would find it hard not to cry at some point. It's OK, some people will tease you or call you a wuss but you know what? Stuff them. Be yourself.

But most importantly, be happy with who you are.

At the end of the day there is always gonna be someome who says something bad about you to make their confidence soar.

Ignore them.

You are taller than them in more ways.

And at the end of the day, you are the better person.

Please just do one thing for me - Don't change for anyone but yourself. These guys that are teasing you are just jerks. And the gay test? Never heard it. It seems phony. Me and my girls touch each other for more than ten seconds and does that make us lez? No. You can be whoever you want to be. There is no such thing as normal. Everyone is unique and special. A public school and a private school are quite different in some ways but very similar in others. Both have kind teachers, strict teachers, people who are good friends, people who aren't so nice. Don't feel you have to change yourself to fit there standards. Make your own standards and have your own definition of cool. I know it can be overwhelming when many people are paying you out at once and anyone would find it hard not to cry at some point. It's OK, some people will tease you or call you a wuss but you know what? Stuff them. Be yourself.
But most importantly, be happy with who you are.

At the end of the day there is always gonna be someome who says something bad about you to make their confidence soar.

Ignore them.

You are taller than them in more ways.

And at the end of the day, you are the better person.
That... was inspiring. Thank you. Thank you a lot.

I know how you feel, its in a sort of different way, I'm the "fat kid", the "weird guy, and although it might seem fun, it's not always, and sometimes earns you a bad reputation: "class clown." I am an outcast. I have afew friends, a lot of half friends, and a LOT of enimies.

:( PG

they don't know what they're takling about. they are'nt dictators. they're leeches. you already sound like a great guy, so i don't see how any of these jerks are better. they aren't. please, don't change.

I personally think standing out and being weird is better. There is no such thing as 'Normal'.

You know what? People who seem to be popular are most likely only being that way because they want to fit in. Pretty much every school revolves around a few kids, usually wealthy.

I had a similar experience when I was in middle school (I'm in HS now, and people don't bother me about it anymore). I was homeschooled from PreK-8th grade, and people teased me because I dressed weird didn't cuss, etc. Well, I spent the first few months of every year sitting alone at lunch, etc. But people get curious. Eventually, people in my class began talking to me, and that year (referring to 8th grade) I left the middle school with a total of 25 friends in my class ^.^~

Just be yourself! That's what I did. Don't try to change yourself because you want to fit in. Eventually you'll feel that you aren't you, that the clothes you are wearing aren't what you like, and the way your hair is- you find weird. I found it alot easier to concentrate on my studies as well, when I wasn't trying to fit in with a crowd. :huh:

Hope I helped.


There is no default "normal". Each school, class, state, city, etc. anywhere you go, normal is different in at least one way or another. And the only normal you should be worried about, is acting normal for YOU. Be yourself, if others dont like it, screw them. NEVER ever be someone you arent, its better to be liked for who you are by the select few who will always be there for you and be your friends, than to be liked by the many who are shallow, wont stick around when you need them, and will turn on you at the drop of a pin.

In school, I was the fat kid, the girl who looked like a boy, they called me Clearasil, I was the whale, I was aloe vera gel (that was a reference to my name though), I was frizz freak, and the lying wannabe. I was fat, I admit it, but I dont care, I had awesome friends and they were always there for me when I needed them. I looked like a boy through most of my school years, but I didnt mind, me and my brother could have been twins and I looked up to my brother so it was a compliment in my mind at the time. I had acne, bad, and I was self concious about it, Clearasil was one of the worst names they called me, and it stung. The whale didnt bother me, neither did aloe vera gel. Frizz freak was so bad that I eventually shaved most my hair off, and the lying wannabe really pi**ed me off because I wasnt lying and I wasnt a wannabe. I was different than every single other person in the school (I was 17, a freshman in high school since I had dropped out and tried to go back, and I was engaged. No one believed I was 17 until I showed them my ID, and everyone thought my ring was fake and I was seeking attention. I only had 2 friends, who believed me, and boy were they good ones). But you know what? I am a MUCH stronger person now that all this has happened. I am married, still fat (but I dont mind lol Im healthy and honestly thats all that matters), have a kid, and my life is almost 100% completely wonderful (minus the inlaws lol).

So, ignore those stupid kids who tease, taunt, jeer, and throws nasty words your way, they are either jealous or they are just trying to make themselves look better in front of their friends. Just be yourself, and when someone tries to make fun of you, turn around and tell them "Wow, I really hope that makes you feel better. Making fun of someone. Well, at least we all know your weakness now, its insecurity. Ill keep that in mind next time your feeling down!" Most kids will either be dumbfounded that you actually said that, and the other ones will try to make some witty comeback, but usually they just end up sounding stupid. Rarely will a kid try to actually beat you up for retaliating to a verbal attack. Most kids just dont have the guts to do it so you shouldnt need to worry about that.

Sorry for such a long post, but yeah. Look at my signature, its my favorite quote in the whole world, and it has to do with being yourself. Good luck!

Whenever I really think about stuff like that, the first question that pops into my head is: What is normal? Is it the girls dressed pretty in pink or the ones dressed dark and black? Is it the guys that read books or the guys that play sports? I guess these days, "normal" doesn't exist because everyone fits in with someone. Think of it this way: Having a few friends is better than having no freinds. Be yourself and just tune out those other people who think that by looking down on and taunting others; it makes them "cooler". Truth is, there is no normal and there is no cool. Some people will think they are normal by doing drugs and dressing in expensive clothes and taunt the kids that wear less expensive things and prefer to live clean. But then, those cleaner kids will be making fun of them. So, it really wouldn't make sense to try and fit in with someone you don't like. Don't change yourself just because someone else says you have to. Don't become someone that you don't wanna be. Don't listen to the other people. Listen to your heart and be who you wanna be.

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