Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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sorry i haven't posted in a few days! well my v1 is the heave charicter i had 2 generations ago! and my v5 is neer dateing chanal time! my v3 will evolve tomorow! and my v4.5 left the baby! it was a baby girl i named ruby! ruby is the stair fis totler and will evolve today!!! i'll popst more later! oh yea my game boy tama is still a adalt! my game boy tama has a sister now!!!!!!!!!!

yay! my v3 turned into a mimitchi :p !! and my v4.5 is a teen but i don't know the name! still not time for dateing chanal for my v5! and nothing new with my v1! i'll post more later!

yay! my v5 is now teens!

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