Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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YAY!!!! my v4.5 adalt left the baby girl!!! i named her cali! cali is a tot now! oh yea i forgot to mention im bidding on 6 tamas!! im giveing 3 to my little brother! i'll post more later!

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well it's time for me to start posting stats! for now i'll only post my c5 becasr it's the only one awake!


family pika

gen 12

stage tots

parents mamamametchi papamemetchi

happy 5

hungry 5

bondege 0

tamas mousrtchi sakuramotchi amirukutchi

gp 320

family blended

i'll post more later!

YAY! my v3 left the baby! i nemed the baby boy matt! matt is the mokalk toler! and i might get my tamagotchi ooridgnal tomorow!! oh yea my v3 is on its 10th gen!!! i'll post more later!

well i think i forgot to post this but my v5 is the 0-30 bondege cheerfull family! i tryed to do it! well the pink gost one used the dateing chanal with a sunnytchi!!! they just got aried and the egg will hatch soon! ITS HATCHING!!!!!! :D :p i'll post more later!!!!!
