Best/cheapest place to buy Tamagotchi P's Pierces at?


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Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Pallet Town
Title says it all. I guess I can elaborate a bit though.

Ebay and Amazon both offer pierces at around $20, which I think is kinda crazy considering I got my tamagotchi p for only a little bit more than that, AND it was the Dream Coffret edition, so it was a tama + pierce. Hard to believe that a pierce alone costs over half of that, y'know ; A;

So I was wondering if there are maybe some stores I don't know about that can offer these pierces at a more reasonable price. I live in the US so buying them retail is clearly not an option...

If anything, some discussion/answers as to why pierces are so expensive now would be nice. My memory is not too crystal-clear, but I don't recall these pierces costing anything near $20 when the Tama P's first came out. Weren't they somewhere closer to half of that? :eek:

Thanks in advance :)

I'm interested in this topic too, I bought my P's for 16$, and then had to pay for a PIERCE 19$, so I would love to find a place to find cheaper ones too xD

Some of the pierces can be found for rather cheap prices on Amazon and Taobao though, but I think it depends mainly on wich pierce it is, I've seen the Dream Coffret one for 6$, but can't sem to find a LoveMelo for less than 20$ xD

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I bought all my pierces when they were first released and I remember them all being under $10 before shipping, other than the collaboration pierces, which were slightly more expensive (Ciao, Sanrio, Aikatsu, etc.)

Part of the reason they're more expensive now is because stores wouldn't get any more in stock once they sold out because Bandai seemed to stop producing them once the next pierce was released, so there aren't a lot out there. The P's itself was on the market much longer than any one pierce, so there are a lot of them out there and so the price decreases. The LoveMelo pierce was the first one ever released and was barely on the market for two weeks before a new pierce came out, unlike the others which had a month in between releases.

Your best bet is to keep checking Ebay.

Pierces cost about 10-12 dollars in Japan.

I bought mine on HLJ and CDJapan for around that amount + shipping. But they're mostly sold out on those sites now.

There are two pierces on Mandarake at the moment for only about $4 each. But they only have one of each, so they may get sold quickly.

I've used this site a few times before and they're pretty reliable.

Shipping is like $20 to Australia for EMS, and $15 for SAL (but they only ship to Australia with SAL now)

I assume the shipping is less to America.

You need to wait until you get an email with a quote for the shipping, after your purchase.

Coffret Pierce appears to be pretty cheap on ebay.

This store on Rakuten has three piercings for fairly cheap

Again, Shipping is like $15-$20 though. Like Mandarake, you need to wait for an email telling you the cost. Then you can approve or cancel the order.

Oh wow thank you EMF, I had never found such a cheap LoveMelo pierce, I just ordered it xD

However the shipping was just 5$ to me, is that normal? o_O

Thanks Myiko, I never had a chance :(

Well thanks for the responses to those of you who contributed to the discussion... looks like I'll just have to pay 20 bucks a pierce. Oh well. I'll buy 'em all eventually.

Oh wow thank you EMF, I had never found such a cheap LoveMelo pierce, I just ordered it xD

However the shipping was just 5$ to me, is that normal? o_O
It was probably $5 because you don't live in Australia and/or it doesn't weigh much at all X3

I know right!!!

I've seen pierces in Amazon and eBay for $20 plus, and five to six pierces going for $100+.

So no P's for me, I guess. Getting an iD L soon, hopefully!

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