Best Tamagotchi Color for Newbies?


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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2014
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manila, ph
Okay hey guys.

I've been hearing about the awesome (IMO) Tamagotchi versions that are now in color.

I was hoping you guys will tell me about them. I want a Tama that has a lots of features but not something that requires extras to have fun with it. For example, the Tama-Go. I enjoy it but it gets a little annoying you have to buy extra add-ons to unlock more games. I want a Tamagotchi that doesn't need extra stuff like that, I want a Tama that is self-contained.

Finally, are all the color sizes the same? What is the biggest Tama color, and the smallest.

Thanks again!

Biggest color would be the ID station, smallest, hmmm, ID maybe, but the difference between color sizes are like millimetres. P's needs pierces for add-ons, but without them or downloads, it still has the most content :3 P'S FTW

Colours are good as they don't need add on's but they are an option if you really want more and you've done everything. I think the IDL has the most built in into it that you don't need add on's completely. Personally I find the 4u to be really good without it's add on despite them being advertised as an essential. The games and things take time to earn items,accessories etc so it's just a challenge to earn money to feed your Tama and the characters are good enough to raise multiple times.

The p's is the one that really needs add on's and doesn't they aren't absolutely to have but the fact they are there makes your want them to be. Of the tamagotchi pet colours the largest would probably be the +colour as it's the most bulky the 4u is the same sort of shape but it's rounded off so it's a lot smoother and easy to carry, the smallest is probably the id but they are really all similar in size.

Thank you so much guys! I might be going for an id L. Seems pretty built-in, since I do not want the pierces or downloads.

Or y'know... since I am going to Tama Depa.. might as well get the P's or a 4U since the pierces can be found there... the reason why I didn't want pierces is because we live far from the USA and people who sell in eBay rarely ship abroad and it's a hassle. So like if I want a pierce it'd take me about two months to get it uncle lives there and comes to my country every two months or so.

Now I'm rambling and I got to go now so bye.

The iD L has the most built in content, and I think it also has more built in characters than all the other color versions, appart from that I would say it also has the best variety of content and characters, and you have more to choose from, you could either choose a normal iD L, a 15th anniversary one or a Pricess Spacy one, all of them have different features and characters, so the iD L turns out to be the best color in my opinion xD

They are all rather small to me, but not as small they are hard to hold like the connection or vintage tamas, from the ones I have I can say the +C is the smallest, it is just thicker than the others, but it has the bigest screen too, so is not as bulky as people say xD

The iD/Ls are thiner, making them easy to carry it in pockets, not my cup of tea since it's harder to hold, but if you like connection's you will probably like them~

Thanks again guys!

I've watched a few videos and I'm narrowing my choices down to an iD L and a 4U.... let's see what I end up with!

* * *

Now I feel like I'm bothering all of you.

Just wanted to clarify something (and also my friend asked me this earlier):
What is the best Tamagotchi color for someone new to Japanese color Tamas?

And if possible, could you guys please list down the pros and cons/list down the features of each Tama?

I really want to try out a Japanese Tama. Oh and one last question: I heard the iD L has these downloads? Can anyone please explain how to obtain these downloads or something, and if an iD L is still worth buying even if yu can't get the downloads for some reason?

I'd like to hear from you guys!

Malfoy Edit: Topics merged.

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I have merged your previous post with this existing topic. You can continue discussing your concerns in this topic since they are of the similar nature - no need to create a new one ;)

These topics might be able to help you out:

Things to know before buying:

iD L -

P's -

It's always helpful to poke around the forums for a bit - the Tips & Tricks section of the forum has many useful information provided by other members for the benefit of everybody.

The color versions are completely fun - although they are in Japanese, they are pretty much easier to navigate if you have prior experience in playing with earlier versions.

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