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Though you could like, try stuff out, if you get what I mean. You can't really identify your true sexuality if you haven't thought about it really well and gave stuff a go.
I'm not so sure about the whole "giving stuff a go" part.

If the thought of being sexually involved with any person of the same sex makes you feel a little sick, chances are you're straight.

My school is very much homophobic. There are gay/lesbian jokes everywhere, but that's all it is. Jokes. Dating a person of the same sex would be committing social suicide. This isn't an issue for me, because I'm straight, but I realise that for many people it might be.

I've been very ignorant in the past, I'll admit. I was once pretty homophobic, just because of where I've been raised, but now I respect everyone, no matter who they're attracted to. That's their choice, and it's not my decision to decide whether it's wrong or right for someone to be with the one they love.

I used to think I was bisexual.. I don't know what in the world I was thinking. o.x

Honestly, I don't think it's right...but I have a few gay/lesbian friends and I respect that. People faking it doesn't bother me. It's their own life.

Alot of my scene friends say there bi. They say its hot and guys say they would love to see two girls makeout. But Honestly I think it reterded to like girls and guys ;p ANd no offense but I don't belive in gays or lesbos. It's wrong and gross.

Hahaha, here, no. Everyone is so homophoby at my school. I only know one gay guy, and he's in like grade 10. So, yeahh.

I hate how some people think that being bisexual is cool. ):

Like all over the internet, I see kids who are like "yeaahhh---i'm bisexual." and crap. And they've probably never been in a long-term, actual relationship with someone of the same gender.

Because in my opinion, kissing someone of the same gender once doesn't make you bisexual or gay/lesbian. All you're doing is freaking experimenting.

Most of my school is homophobic, though. Gay is a degrading term here. I hate it, because I know people who are actually gay or bisexual. This one girl--she's bisexual. She's been in a couple relationships with other girls. And she doesn't hide it--she talks about it openly. I don't have a problem with it at all--but some people are a little less open minded.

It's not a trend here. It's almost unheard of!

I'm open to either but would definately lean towards guys as my preference.

Alot of my scene friends say there bi. They say its hot and guys say they would love to see two girls makeout. But Honestly I think it reterded to like girls and guys ;p ANd no offense but I don't belive in gays or lesbos. It's wrong and gross.
Why would you even put 'no offense' in there when you know full well people will be offended?

It doesn't soften the blow or make what you said right or kind.

"No offense" but I think what you said was completely ignorant.

See? Doesn't help.

On the subject...

Being bi here is a fad in high schools. What's amusing, is you can tell who's real and who's fake, especially with girls.

For instance, most the 'bi' girls here only make out or touch each other if there's a 'cute' guy around. If there's not a guy or group of guys around, they barely even hug. It's almost always the party girls who claim to be bi too.

I think if you're male, sexually/romantically (whatever, you get what I mean) you should be with a female. If you're female, well duh, be with a male. I mean, that's why there are two genders in the human race! One gender is supposed to go with the opposite in that kind of relationship.

Personally I'm repulsed by the idea of being attracted to someone of my own gender. If someone suggests it, I'll be like "eugh..."

Did you notice that with gay couples, one of the guys is kinda feminine and with lesbian couples, one of the girls is kinda masculine? Then what the heck, go for a REAL female or a REAL male. Sometimes people are plain weird...

And it's not like I'm not open-minded. I'm actually considered VERY open-minded. I just think that, well, males and females were created to be together in that area. So it should stay that way. Well, it's a person's own choice in that kind of thing. But then again maybe someone could be bisexual or gay/lesbian and wish they weren't? But what would I know? I'm as straight as you can get...


It is quite annoying actually.

The reason why so many girls are into this trend is because they want to feel like their in their own little group.

Like there outcasts to society.

Y'know the whole..."I'M BIS3XUAL! I DUN CARE IF YOU DONT LEIK IT! ITS MY LIFE". BS like that.

I personally believe that you can't be bisexual. Your either Gay or straight.

If you have a choice between two things there is always going to be one you like a little bit more. Thats just what I think though.

In some ways it's alright...Because people are in that stage where their figuring themselves out, what gender they prefer and so on.

But seriously. Must they be such attention hogs? -.-"

Just because you kissed a girl doesn't make you a bisexual.


Ugh I swear...One time I was at a party...With a bunch of "Bisexuals"


Seeing two girls humping each other isn't very fun. -.-

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Why would you even put 'no offense' in there when you know full well people will be offended?It doesn't soften the blow or make what you said right or kind.

"No offense" but I think what you said was completely ignorant.

See? Doesn't help.
Reminds me of when I worked at the YMCA Day Camp. The first grade had the idea that, "no offense" took away the put downs they were shouting at each other.

Jim: Miss Katie, Jill called me a meanie-head!

Jill: But I said no offense!

I had to explain to them on practically a daily basis that even if you said no offense, it doesn't mean that what you said wasn't offensive.

Funky~Lemons, I respect your opinion, but try not to be so judgemental and narrow-minded. ;3

Today, it seems as though being bisexual is 'cool' and I think people are just saying it, and because they are uneducated.
You are bisexual if you are willing to date, love and marry BOTH genders. Or, in other words, you could put your hands down anybodys pants and be happy with what you find.

You are not bisexual if you find both genders 'hot'. It's natural for you to find somebody of the same gender attractive, but if you don't want to date them, then you aren't bisexual.

I just wanted to clear that up, some people think they are 'bi' because they can tell if somebody of the same gender is hot. It annoys me.

Rant over.

I agree completely.

I see this type of thing all over the internet. o_o;;


Most people I know irl are homophobic.

I'm sick of this crap. SICK TO DEATH OF IT.

I can respect peoples opinions, but when it comes to homophobic people... I CANNOT.

'zomgz lesbos r soo gross!!'

Why is it any more disgusting for two guys to have sex than two people of the opposite gender? What makes gay sex so much more 'disgusting?'

Homophobics: How the hell would YOU like it if you had fallen in love with someone and were forced to go through hell every single day just to be with them? How would you like to have insults thrown at you everywhere you go for simply holding hands with the person you love? How would you like to not be able to marry the one you love?

YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT AT ALL! So think about what you say to people next time you feel like commenting on how 'gross' it is for two girls to go out.

Gays/Bisexuals/Lesbians... We are people too! LOVE KNOWS NO GENDER!

^ Ah, that's making more sense.
Everything that enters my brain leaves as some twisted sex joke.

Those words are making me laugh. ("experiment", "give stuff a go".)

Personally I don't know any bi's. Maybe one, but I haven't spoken to her in ages and we weren't that great friends anyway.
I also think I know one, (currently) and she keeps trying to be friends with me; it makes me feel uncomfortable. But I also think she isn't, because she told us at a sleep-over (you know how sleepovers are), and I didn't believe her that much because constantly all she wants is attention!

The breakdown: I MIGHT have a friend that is Bi, but I don't know. Is there any casual way to tell if she is or not?

Sorry if I confused anyone!!


My eleven year old cousin calls himself bi to fit in with an emo clique.

I think it is totally wrong that kids have to lie.

I have nothing againts bis though..

There are bi people at my school, but not too many. There are also people who are gay and lesbian here, too.

To x.Tori.x : Honestly, there really is no simple way to tell if someone is gay or bi. And it's always best to wait for someone to wait to tell you themself, which is what I've learned. And I completely understand how awkward it must be for you. Just be yourself, and be nice. I'm sure things will turn out fine.

ANd no offense but I don't belive in gays or lesbos. It's wrong and gross.
Like SK said, putting "no offense" really doesn't excuse what you do. "No offense, but you're stupid" See? That kind of has the same blow, so I'd refrain from doing that. Plus, this topic is about fake bisexuals, why put your opinion on Gays here? O_O

Like SK said, putting "no offense" really doesn't excuse what you do. "No offense, but you're stupid" See? That kind of has the same blow, so I'd refrain from doing that. Plus, this topic is about fake bisexuals, why put your opinion on Gays here? O_O
I don't mean to ofend anyone, It's my honest opinion and Being bi is So fake so yeah Idk. I'm having a Blonde moment ._.

I don't mean to ofend anyone, It's my honest opinion and Being bi is So fake so yeah Idk. I'm having a Blonde moment ._.
Just try not to say something that naturally would offend people, unless you want to start a flame xD

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