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I think if you're male, sexually/romantically (whatever, you get what I mean) you should be with a female. If you're female, well duh, be with a male. I mean, that's why there are two genders in the human race! One gender is supposed to go with the opposite in that kind of relationship.
Personally I'm repulsed by the idea of being attracted to someone of my own gender. If someone suggests it, I'll be like "eugh..."

Did you notice that with gay couples, one of the guys is kinda feminine and with lesbian couples, one of the girls is kinda masculine? Then what the heck, go for a REAL female or a REAL male. Sometimes people are plain weird...
I agree with you completely. Couldn't have said it better myself. :p

Just try not to say something that naturally would offend people, unless you want to start a flame xD
Nu, Nu, No war. xP

Blahh I'm a Peace maker not an ignition to a flame.

I hate it when people say gay marriage should be illegal because god doesn't like it. As far as I'm concerned, god has nothing to do with it. The whole "equal rights" thing shouldn't just be for color and religion. It should also help out gay and lesbian people.

I'm not completely sure how you can say bisexuality doesn't exist, when I've seen people in committed relationships that lasted about a year each, with both genders.

Ugh. Lady GaGa always says that. I hate when people are like, "I need you guys to accept Gay/Lesbi marrige." Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.

I'm sick of this crap. SICK TO DEATH OF IT. I can respect peoples opinions, but when it comes to homophobic people... I CANNOT.

'zomgz lesbos r soo gross!!'

Why is it any more disgusting for two guys to have sex than two people of the opposite gender? What makes gay sex so much more 'disgusting?'

Homophobics: How the hell would YOU like it if you had fallen in love with someone and were forced to go through hell every single day just to be with them? How would you like to have insults thrown at you everywhere you go for simply holding hands with the person you love? How would you like to not be able to marry the one you love?

YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT AT ALL! So think about what you say to people next time you feel like commenting on how 'gross' it is for two girls to go out.

Gays/Bisexuals/Lesbians... We are people too! LOVE KNOWS NO GENDER!
Uhh...I think you've got the wrong idea.

Were discussing the recent popularity of being a bisexual in school between teenage girls.

Not the opinion of people who hate gays, lesbians, or bisexuals.

But yes you are right.

Homophobics can be pretty of annoying.

Discrimination is never a good thing.

But for some instances you can't really blame them.

I don't quite understand why being a bisexual is such a modern trend.

If being homosexual is still frowned upon by some, then why is bisexual becoming so acceptable?

A persons sexual orientation shouldn't make them more popular, or less popular. It is a preference people have.

Bisexuality is more common with "scene" or "emo" girls/guys, which is kind of confusing.

In these stereotypes, why is liking both genders so important? Why is it considered cool?

Bisexual, straight, really doesn't matter, and people really need to stop worrying about it.

I think it's really annoying when people go around dating people of the same sex just because they think it's cool. Personally, I believe you cannot have a true sexual orientation until your late teens, since most lack the hormones to feel love towards another person, and by love I don't mean it sexually.

I think it's ridiculous how people nowadays always act fake to get attention. And honestly, if someone were really bi, why would they be leaking it out all over school? At my school, people think it's disgusting to be anything but straight. Eh, they're teenagers - they're learn tolerance eventually.

There's two girls in year 12, one of them wants to be a guy, and one is a lesbian, and I'm really good friends with both of them. They're not faking it.

Not everyone who says they're bi is just saying it for attention, what about the people who really are? How would they feel when you just say "Oh but you're just saying that to try and get attention"?

So I guess we have to be careful with our words when talking about a topic like this =\

But yeah, I've noticed people - Not so much in year 8 & 9, but in the upper grades, 10, 11, 12 - are just saying they're bi to get attention try and be different, but if everyone's doing it, it's not really being different, is it? Lol.

But I guess around here, people just accept it, and don't really look into the fact that they could just be following a trend.

I dunno.

If people want so badly to have no fakes in the world, why fake being bisexual?


I think that people don't understand what they mean when they say they're bisexual.The reason for that being most of them really aren't.I am bisexual,I've had a few girlfriends but most people are just confused when they say it because they think its cool.

Yeah, faking things like that in my opinion is not right. I can understand, most are teenagers, they're seeing what feels right for them, but faking it to be 'cool' or for attention is just wrong to me.

I really don't think bisexuality or gayness is right. It'll send you to hell. God wanted it to be a man and a woman in marrige. I'm not going to shun anyone who says they are gay or bi and what not, but I just think that most people are attention wanters, like one of my close friends.

I really don't think bisexuality or gayness is right. It'll send you to hell. God wanted it to be a man and a woman in marrige. I'm not going to shun anyone who says they are gay or bi and what not, but I just think that most people are attention wanters, like one of my close friends.
Take this from your perspective. What if you were gay? Would feel bad about yourself? People who turned gay had no control over it. So what if you went to hell for something you had no control over? That's like saying a mentally disabled person would go to hell.

Um.. I may sound like a idiot for saying this.. but.. I'm sorry. I don't believe in bisexuality, is it even possible?. To me.. it sounds.. kinda.. unbelievable. But I do take note that the people who are bisexual seem to be extremely popular at school. So to me, the debate for believing in bisexuality exists, still remains a no for me. I'm not aganist or saying anything negative about it. I'm just unaware.

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Take this from your perspective. What if you were gay? Would feel bad about yourself? People who turned gay had no control over it. So what if you went to hell for something you had no control over? That's like saying a mentally disabled person would go to hell.
Um.. I may sound like a idiot for saying this.. but.. I'm sorry. I don't believe in bisexuality, is it even possible?. To me.. it sounds.. kinda.. unbelievable. But I do take note that the people who are bisexual seem to be extremely popular at school. So to me, the debate for believing in bisexuality exists, still remains a no for me. I'm not aganist or saying anything negative about it. I'm just unaware.
I agree, they have no control over it, but still. And I also agree that its questionable if someone can actually be gay or bi. And I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, I just am stating my opinion

I agree, they have no control over it, but still. And I also agree that its questionable if someone can actually be gay or bi. And I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, I just am stating my opinion
Well, I can tell you one thing. Being a homosexual is actually possible. I'm honest. And I understand what you are saying.

I don't really care whatever the genders are in arelationship.

Like, I'd be kind of uncomfortable.. but it's not like I'm against it.

A lot of people are against gays because they believe that the females and males were created to make children with eachother. (o_e) But there are a lot of straight couples that don't have any children.. but no one's against them. I think that it's an option to have a baby.. it's not made to be. That's why I don't really mind gay couples.. if they love eachother, there's not really anything to lose.. ;/

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