Black Friday Shopping


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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Kansas, U.S.A.
Considering the fact that Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is the busiest and most chaotic shopping day of the year, I've never really wanted to go out in the huge crowds to fight for bargains. But, this year my mother really wanted to go shopping, and there were some sales on things I really want for Christmas, sooo.....I went. I got up at 6:30a.m. after getting very little sleep and went to the mall. xD I felt like a zombie and the crowds drove me nuts, but it was kind of fun, and I got some really good stuff. I would say it was worth it!

Did anyone else brave the crowds on Friday...or did you just stay home and catch up on sleep? ;)

Well, I was up at that hour working on sites, but not shopping xD

My bestie went shopping for 5 hours. I was so bored, because I couldnt email him the whole day.

you couln't pay me to go shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol on that day

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^^ That's what I've always said before. hehe

I saw some video footage of the crowds at Macy's New York location, and that looked seriously crazy. There were lines to get onto escalators!! But, the lines in the mall here were not too bad, except at Victoria's Secret and GameStop. The more annoying things were the huge crowds milling around with no idea where they wanted to go next. :furawatchi:

We can never go shopping after Thanksgiving because my dad doesn't get him Christmas paycheck until waayyy later.


I didn't even want to think about the lines XD

I don't want anything for christmas anyways, so I don't see why I would go shopping. I don't know what to get anybody, and I would give people art for christmas.

No. Nobody in my family wants anything so expensive that we would need to go get it on sale. Around here the sales aren't that big anyways, and the closest actual mall is thirty minutes away, so it's not really something we think of doing every year. I saw some pictures in the newspaper of the lines in New York, and they were huge.

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