Board Games !


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Too many to list, most likely. XD Some include Scrabble, Pictionary, Taboo, Cranium, Battleship, Life, Sorry!, Mancala, Connect Four, Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders (I think that was one of the first games I learned how to play :D ) and Guess Who?. I don't think I can possibly pick between all these.

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Nothing beats a heated game of chess.

Also I love scrabble and boggle, and if I'm in a silly mood, apples to apples is awesome. ;)

.. Um. Sorry I have no idea what it's called but it's where you get the scrabble pieces and pick up seven and make words out of them all, first one to do so yells "GO!" and everybody picks up another letter and tries to make a word with them, whomever does this first yells "GO!" and so on.

I really like The Game of Life (which I assume is “Life” that everyone is referring to but just called something different here in Australia?)

But Cluedo is my favourite, closely followed by monopoly. :chohimetchi:

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