Bomb Threat


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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
In a piano. Yes, IN a piano.
Girls, crying through the hallways. Boys, eyes downcast. Teachers, being judgemental. Eyes ocasionally flitting. The kid could be standing next to them, and they wouldn't know it.



There was a bomb threat at my school, scheduled for yesterday. Let me start from the beginnning.



A week ago, there was a note in the back of an eighth grade literature book. I didn't read it, but I talked to the girl that found it. It said there was going to be a bomb, it was for today. Of course, I thought it was just a rumor. I completely forgot about it.


Then I saw a girl in the hallway that I kind of knew. she was crying. I went up to her and asked her what was wrong, before the homeroom bell rang.



"My parents made me go to school today." She said. I was about to say "oh." then walk away, but she said something that made me stop.

"And the bomb's going off today."

"Oh," i said under my breath. I turned back to her, but she was gone.



The kids in my homeroom were sitting silently, odd for a seventh grade class. The teacher came to the class.



"Yes, there was a bomb threat, and yes, it is a rumor. But they called the Superintendant, the Police Force, Fire Department, SWAT, the Bomb Squad, and the Police Dogs, for precautions." Like that was going to relax us. But we weren't checked when we came into the school. And the note said they were going to bring the bomb. That's smart.



It was scheduled to go off at one thirty, five minutes into fifth period. It was a long day, so I'll give you an outline.




Guitar Class- I told taylor about it. She didn't really talk for the rest of the class.




Language- We said goodbye to the friends that we weren't going to see for the rest of the day.




Geography- The teacher repetedly told us it was a rumor. It didn't help.




Lunch/Outside- We talked about what we wanted our last words to be. Mine were "unforgotten"




Science- It was fourth period, almost time. I told the entire class that it wouldn't happen. I wasn't really sure of myself. I said goodbye to Taylor. we saluted. i said "it was a pleasure playing with you tonight" which is a quote from Titanic. Then we hugged.




Math- I had gotten to class. My only close friend was absent that day. I was going to have to do this alone.



For the next five minutes, it was the morbid, sad, trying-to-be-strong attitudes of earlier. Ten times more. The teacher didn't say anything, I suppose it was on purpose. You could hear small crying from variouse classrooms.




It was time. There were ten seconds left. There was a countdown. All around the school you heard it, and the teachers didn't bother to stop it.



"THREE! TWO! ONE!" We all yelled.

"Unforgotten" I whispered.


It was time. We grew silent. the evil clock struck the six. And all of the sudden, nothing happened.


What a joke. They say whoever it is is going to get expelled. When thet find him. I hope he's glad he scared the crap out of everybody, because there's gonna be a lawsuit.


Now rumors are out it was gonna be today. Only it didn't happen. Again. Now they're saying it's gonna be tomorrow. Sure.





Sorry it's long, but has anything like this ever happened to you?

Was there even a bomb?

Was it a rumor?

Wanna share your comments?


Go For It.

OMG that i so scary that youe school had a bomb threat!

I would of been so so so so so scared and I would be crying is they was a bomb at my school while I was school!

:lol: :D :p <_< :) ;) ;)

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It's where someone says they are going to plant a bomb and explode it.

We've had one or two. No big deal. If it was THAT big of an issue, rest assured you would NOT be in school. They aren't idiots and they aren't ones to take such things lightly. They know when to pull you out and when it's all okay. ;]

We had a practice bomb threat at my college once, and when I found out it was fake, well you can only imagine how many of the students taking exams felt. Majority of them were super peeved.

Nothing to that extent you went through though. I hope there is a lawsuit and some form of justice ;)

Wow blue♣slip, that must have been really scary. I can't believe someone would do that, that's horrible.

Nope, nothing like that happens around here thank goodness.

Probably fake. On the first day of school there was a bomb threat and everyone was sent home early. Early this month, The police found the person who did it. Usually kids are sent home. The most tragic thing I went through was the Lock down that happened in 8th grade. Someone wrote a threat in one of the bathroom stalls and it was reported to the main office. Without warning they announced the lock down code. We all had to sit on the floor. put the shades down on the windows. and cover up any other windows there were.I was stuck in there for 4 hours without food, Water, or restroom service. I seriously thought I was gonna die. We all said goodbye and some kids wrote their last minute will. 2 hours into it we hear police sirens.....This stuff is common at my school. But I seem to like these situations..But if there was a Bomb threat that I knew about I wouldn't go to school (It is pretty optional for me. All I have to do is not walk to the school and go somewhere else. Avoid Cops) Try playing Hooky next time you hear about one of those. Just sharing some experiences.


My school has never had a bomb threat, but another school in my district has last week. They sent everybody home and even if they hadn't, they put everybody outside so if a bomb did go off you wouldn't be in the middle of it.

And I'm not trying to be mean or anything so nobody go all screaming in my face, but if there was a bomb threat even if it was a fake one why didn't they evacuate the school so nobody would get hurt because if it was real and everybody was there what good will come out of it. =|

And I'm not trying to be mean or anything so nobody go all screaming in my face, but if there was a bomb threat even if it was a fake one why didn't they evacuate the school so nobody would get hurt because if it was real and everybody was there what good will come out of it. =|
I'm guessing they analyzed the situation and found it was fake. If it was that much in question, no school would let kids go back into that kind of mess. Now the only question is who put the threat in?

Eek! That's scary...that's never happened to me before. But people can forge things, it's not very hard to change your handwriting. I've tried to change it before. Fingerprinting, maybe? But it's probably been passed around too many times, now.

I have never had a bomb threat at my primary school or at my highschool.

I imagine it would be scary.

ive had one bomb threat and 2 lockdowns. its not as scary when you just convince yourself that youll be fine...btw your topic was really well written

We had a bomb threat my 10th grade year.

Nobody was informed about it until 45 minutes after the bomb was supposedly going to go off, when all the classes were sent to the field.

We could have been dead.

It was pretty ridiculous.

My school has never had a bomb threat, but another school in my district has last week. They sent everybody home and even if they hadn't, they put everybody outside so if a bomb did go off you wouldn't be in the middle of it. And I'm not trying to be mean or anything so nobody go all screaming in my face, but if there was a bomb threat even if it was a fake one why didn't they evacuate the school so nobody would get hurt because if it was real and everybody was there what good will come out of it. =|
Actually the entire college was evaccuated. This was during exam time too so majority of students were doing tests. Once it was "safe" we went back in.

Actually the entire college was evaccuated. This was during exam time too so majority of students were doing tests. Once it was "safe" we went back in.
Oh, okay. :] Just making sure beacuse I was wondering why students were inside.

Nothing like that ever happened to me..But three months ago the school I was in was in lockdown.. There were some criminals on the loose or something and the police thought they were around the school so we had to lock the doors to the classroom and sit in a corner. The lockdown lasted about three hours I think. I was suprised no one was scared and some of us[this is including me] just ended up playing cards quietly the whole time, some fell asleep and one kid was eating french fries[don't ask lol] :) I thought the whole experience was frightening but it was okay at the end.


by the way, i go to a middle school. and thanks, bubbie.

yeah, but there were only a couple other things that come to mind like that.

once, when i didn't go there yet [it used to be elementary, too] there was a lockdown. an armed stranger was walking on school grounds, and passed my friends portable.

and another-

there was this one highschool dude that was dating a girl at my school. the girl was in my grade [seventh] so her parents said they couldn't see each other anymore. so the guy get's drunk, and drives to the school. he's, like, being called at to stop. well, he didn't

so he decides to smash headfirst into the wall. it was my technology teacher's room, mr. b. there were kids in the class. and they were all at a computer, all in one spot. but that one spot just happened to be at the other end of the room, so nobody got hurt.

i didn't go there yet, i was in 5th grade. at a private school then. so the dude reverses out of the wall, and drives into the school i was at. he crashed into a ditch. then he was arrested.

i personally think we should've been evacuated as well, but hey......we don't get an input into the school district.

Before I went to my first elementary school (I spent four years at one school and one at another for elementary) my brother was in class, they went into lockdown. A kid brought a gun, and held it up to the principal. He was threatening him about something, police finally came and got him, not sure what happened to him.

One time when I was in fourth grade and we had a practice lock down. Later that same day, we had a real one. But it only lasted ten minutes, the people in the office made a mistake. They saw a man and thought he looked suspicious, and he just started walking towards the classrooms. They said over the intercom a descrition of what he was wearing. It was something about a green shirt, and my teacher, Mr.Simpson, was wearing a green shirt. He started curling up in the corner covering his shirt and looking around all funy, he had us cracking up. xD

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