books U think that should be banned


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well I personally have many veiws and if I told yall all about it it wiuld seem like I was writing an essay

I think parents should bann book from their kids if they want but the public shouldn't bann certain books...maybe if it is a christain school..or a school based on a relegion

over all it depends

well I personally have many veiws and if I told yall all about it it wiuld seem like I was writing  an essay
I think parents should bann book from their kids if they want but the public shouldn't bann certain books...maybe if it is a christain school..or a school based on a relegion

over all it depends
Parents shouldn't ban books from their kids. Most parents these days are helicopter parents already, no need to make it worse.

Sure, I get told, 'I wish you wouldn't read the Golden Compass', but I don't get books banned from me.

If parents don't want their children to go borrow books on how to have sex, then they should actually act parental about it, not freak out and sue people.

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Freedom of speech means just that - you can apply to publish a book on anything - even Communism, Child Molesting, etc.. - the restrictions should be enforced if something is against the law. If it is against the law to publish a book on Child Molesting, then it should not be published. As far as I know, it is not against the law to read a book on Child Molesting... :)

You can't say "books should not be banned" in one breath and then say "... except of course for anything communist or racist..."

Books give us information about things and we should be able to make a judgement on whether we agree or disagree with their message.

I kind of like to make my own mind up about whether a book is good or bad - or even good or bad for my soul / morals, etc.

I am not comfortable with someone else making that decision for me - or "for my own good" :eek:

People should be free to read whatever they want. I don't believe in banning books.

Tamakiddy: Harry Potter was allowed in my elementary school o.o;

That was the first time I'd ever read it/had it read to me.

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Yeah I guess racist books should be banned, but books about rape and stuff should get a rating, like movies.
I don't think Racist Books should be banned. If its a racist fiction, then it could be good- even if it is racist. If it is not a fiction, it could still be interesting. I would read something like that, unfortunately.

As for the rape and molestation, I wouldn't put a rating on that aither. If the mom doesn't want her kids, reading it, thats fine- but other people will, and some parents would even let their children (or not care at all) and use that to teach them a lesson. There really are people like that out there.

NO BOOK SHOULD BE BANNED. I absolutely hate when people do that- say a book along these and these lines should not be open to the public or be available to minors eyes. Its all opinion I guess, though.

People should be free to read whatever they want. I don't believe in banning books.
Tamakiddy: Harry Potter was allowed in my elementary school o.o;

That was the first time I'd ever read it/had it read to me.
Your lucky. When I was in public school, they wouldn't even let us read the dictionary. o.0 How I do love homeschooling.

I think schools overreact about Harry Potter and such. >.<' Like, dude, they allow the Golden Compass, but Harry Potter? No way.
I do love homeschooling. o.o
Public schools allow Harry Potter. But some people do not like it at all. Alot of people around where I live dont read it because they think it is bad and it is against God. But I dont think that I meen for pete's sake they are just books and they dont go against anybody. Oh and I dont think books should be banned.

I think burning books are bad. In my opinion instead of burning books

how about giving them to charity. But I think some books need to get banned

like racist books like others have said.

Enough said.

I think burning books are bad. In my opinion instead of burning bookshow about giving them to charity. But I think some books need to get banned

like racist books like others have said.

Enough said.
like, wtf?

If someone thinks a book is bad, then why would they give it to hundreds of people?

I don't think Racist Books should be banned. If its a racist fiction, then it could be good- even if it is racist. If it is not a fiction, it could still be interesting. I would read something like that, unfortunately.
I kinda mean those books that say nasty stuff about black people being made of s word which they most definately not. But maybe they shouldn't be banned, I mean if they were that bad they wouldn't allow them to be published.

no books should be banned , diffrent people like diffrent books and if u dont like it thats ur problem

No books should be banned. If you don't want to read them, avoid them. Others might enjoy them, and who are you to end that? Different people are interested in different kinds of literature.

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