bored and not allowed to have fun


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Hey, it depends on how old you are! If you're like me, over 10, try these:

Go on Youtube XD

lol, ok, duh, yeah...

Go shopping

Re-do your room. You know, just move everything around

If you have a bro or sis, play with them

meet your neighbors, play with them

go to the park, and meet new friends

Make crafts

play with pets...

i'll post more later...

Like what i just did a few days ago, you can clean your bathroom, and i mean, not scrub toilets, but i mean, make it look nice, mess with your make-up, and sprays, and stuff. Talk on the phone too...

Of course 8D 


Lol. Anyone who goes on at that time would know~


It's kinda fun XD
My parents banish me to my room at about 10:30 everynight. -mutters-

  • Computer is a great bordom-buster. Start a forum. That takes a lot of time. All the graphic design, post managment, advertising... it takes up 5 hours of my afternoon sometimes.
  • Create a playlist. and are great places to start. It's free too. :D
  • Minipulate photos on Photobucket.
  • Go bike riding. That's loads of fun.
  • Watch TV.
  • Rent movies.
  • Bake.
  • Write a story.
  • Draw pictures to put on your deviantART.
  • Sleep. -snooze-
  • Redecorate your bedroom.
  • Clean-sweep your bed room.
  • Start a webshow. :D
  • Read a book.
  • Read two books.
  • Go to your local YMCA or other local recreation centers.
  • Go to the public library.
  • TamaChat.
  • Go to the park.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Try taking up gymnastics.
  • Surf eBay.
  • Call your friends.
  • IM your friends.
  • Email your friends.
  • Start a lemonade stand. ^_^
  • Make your own personalized t-shirts. Go to your local craft store (like Micheal's) and buy some colored t-shirts, puffy paint, rynestones, and iron-on patches. Or go to a website where you can order prints to put on your t-shirts (like find a cool pic of a band you really like...?).
  • Go to the local swimming pool.
  • Bug your neighbors.
  • Go throw water balloons at random people on the streets.
  • Harrass one of your friends siblings via text messaging.
  • Dig to China.
  • Harrass people Hang out at Wal-Mart.
  • Go bungee jumping.
  • Go swimming in a lake.
  • Jump off of a bridge into a lake.
  • Go mall cruisin'.
  • Stalk someone.
  • Build with Legos.
  • Blast your radio.
  • Climb a tree.
  • Plant a tree.
  • Make a list like this.
  • Join other forum sites.
  • Buy a staple gun.
  • Make something out of wood. Woodshop!!
  • Make a Freewebs site.
  • Learn HTML.
  • Learn another language.
  • Write angsty poems.
  • Cosplay!!
  • Make Gatorade.
  • Make waffles.
  • Burn your own mix CDs.
  • Dig for coins in the couch.
  • Immitate a penguin.
  • Fly a kite.
  • Paint your nails.
  • Straighten your hair.
  • Cut your hair.
  • Experiment with makeup.
  • Go skateboarding.
  • Collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
  • Raise some cattle.
  • Get temperary hair-spray and spray your hair different colors.
  • :(

See now? There are tons of things you can do!! :D

Ok I'm sorry guys I'm really really sorry but it's like I can barely even get out of my house. I want to get some more exercise, but since my bike is too small and I'm not allowed to go out without my parents!!! Some of those things I can do, but I have to plan ahead of time. I need more ideas on things that I can do whenever I want, even at midnight if I wanted to. Sorry for being so bossy but my parents give me too many boundaries. Maybe I should just close this post.

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Since im fat (lol) i suggest you ask them to buy a yoga book and do some yoga on the carpet. if the refuse then try

Jogging in place

Use your imangination to act out things

Watch TV if u have TV and cable

Do handstands and cartwheels (those are easy but get a big amout of space)

Ask your parents to spend some family time like normal fun familes do.

Buy a tamagotchi!!!!


Go to a water park and practice doing backflips in water

Just get your imagination up and running! Use dolls, toys, stuffed animals to keep your imagination running!

Ok I'm sorry guys I'm really really sorry but it's like I can barely even get out of my house. I want to get some more exercise, but since my bike is too small and I'm not allowed to go out without my parents!!! Some of those things I can do, but I have to plan ahead of time. I need more ideas on things that I can do whenever I want, even at midnight if I wanted to. Sorry for being so bossy but my parents give me too many boundaries. Maybe I should just close this post.
Okay, I get what you mean. But don't just reject all of our ideas. We're trying to help here.

Why not plan stuff ahead of time? Planning is half the fun. So spend a lot of time planning the activity, spend a lot of the time doing the activity, and a lot of time has passed. ;)

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I hope these tips help :kusatchi: :


-Invite a friend over to YOUR house!

-You have the internet, so you could just surf Youtube

-Try watching a new anime online (try Shugo Chara, School Rumble, or Lucky Star)

-Watch some TV!

-Go to the library and get some book (yeah baby!)

-Walk outside

-Write a story or draw a manga

-Cook something! (sammich!)

-Start a journal

-Call up one of your pals and just talk

-Go on TamaCHAT! (so addicting)

-E-mail a buddy

-Take a nap

-Just lay in the grass and look up at the sky

-Listen to the rain (if it's raining)

-Meditate (OMMMM)



Hope I could prove of some assistance. :D




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My dad said it would be good to learn Microsoft Excel.

You can make good money if you it apparently. I'm to lazy to learn it.

I would draw. Or uhm. Youtube.

Maybe, instead of going with the flow and being bored, why don't you communicate with your parents more? Tell them how you feel. Tell them they're giving you too much boundaries and that you need to have more fun at your age. Be open and honest. Hopefully your parents will understand - they ARE your PARENTS, after all.

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