Both My V4s...


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Jul 26, 2007
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My V4s broke. I was playing with my Glow-In-The-Dark one, and the X battery sign came on, and the batterys were NEW! I tried Resetting and downloading, same thing. So I tried a new battery, same problem. I tried a different brand. Same.


And my Black V4... when I put batterys in, nothing comes on the screen, the sound works fine, but there is no LCD. ><


*sigh* Tommorow I get a V4.5...


But I want an original V4, too! Should I use my other $25 to get a V4, or my ears pierced?



Why won't you try writing a letter to BanDai and telling them what happens when you put in the new batteries.

Are you sure you are using the correct batteries??

Personally I think that you should get your ears pierced, because if you get a V4 eventually you will get bored of it and buy the new versions.

But it's your choice.

That's too bad. I think you should hold on to your Tamagotchis, get your ears pierced (if you really want to), and keep trying to make your Tamas work. Try sending a letter to Bandai about why it won't work or try to figure out the problem yourself. If by, let's say, the time a V5 comes out they still don't work, you can choose if you still want to get a V4. I hope you can figure out the problem!

sometimes batteries are suposed to new, but they have some kind of glitch in them witch makes them not work.

That's true. I have a whole pile of batteries that were supposed to work, and I tried them in almost all of my Tamas but none of them worked! ^_^

But I've tried /alot/ of batteries...

And, also, I never get bored of the versions, I buy the new versions whenever they come out, and I still play with V1s!



we just tried new batteries on 2 of our v3, but they didn't work. But luckily we found some that did. HEhe

^_^ this can happen if it is happening to you save up for a new v4 instead of getting your ears periced :) that way you won't have any more tamaproplems make sure you save up hope this helped bye for now :D :( :eek:
♥Zoria The Dark Lion Demon♥Posted: Jul 28 2007, 11:38 AM


My V4s broke. I was playing with my Glow-In-The-Dark one, and the X battery sign came on, and the batterys were NEW! I tried Resetting and downloading, same thing. So I tried a new battery, same problem. I tried a different brand. Same.

And my Black V4... when I put batterys in, nothing comes on the screen, the sound works fine, but there is no LCD. ><

*sigh* Tommorow I get a V4.5...

But I want an original V4, too! Should I use my other $25 to get a V4, or my ears pierced?




when you said ''But I want an original V4, too! Should I use my other $25 to get a V4, or my ears pierced?'' you can do both. clairs has free ear piercing that is where i got my ears pierced.

~ hope i helped :ichigotchi:
Write to Bandai. The V4 is heavily glitched, and they may offer to repair or replace it. If you go to Wal-Mart or Claire's, they have free ear piercing, so you can save up your money for something else.

my v1 had the same glitch. its fixed now, thanks to a year of living lost in the basement, but now my v3 says its battery is dead when it still has like half its power left. oh, and my brothers v1 is opposite of your black one, screen works fine, but its a mute tama. ^_^ oh well. about the ear pierce thing, i dont know, its your choice. if i were you, i would make a list of all the good things about tamas, and all the bad things about tamas, and them all the good things about earrings, and all the bd things about them. then decide which one has mor good things than bad. although i once went against this rule and got something else off of the list.

no clue exactly how living in the basement for a year fixed it, but it did.

about the batteries not working: are they 2032? because if they have any other number, like 2435 or something, they may not work.

same shape, wrong output or something. dunno!

:mimitchi: That happened when i put a cr0216 battery in my tama. u should really check wheather it is the right one, cr0232 and i think, might as well get your ears pierced. It will last, unlike tamas that run out of batteries.


:mimitchi: :kusatchi: :blink: Milliaswan ;) :nazotchi: :mimitchi:

This has happened to my v3,i would suggest writing to bandai,but iwould personaly suggest getting another version4 instead of getting your ears peirced.In my opinion that is kinda gross.*Please,don't take this as an offence*

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