boy problem!


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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2007
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ok, so there is this guy down the street, and one day when I was riding my bike, he waved to me! I (for some strange reason) wanted to ride back, just to see him, sure enough, he waved. (i have never seen him before this encounter) after a while of this, he came out and said hi! I was blushing SO much. we said a couple words, and then I went riding again. then a couple days later this happened again. and then a few more times, untill I wanted to see him again. (i even sent him a secret note!) (he is also not in my school) but then, after I sent the note, I see less and less of him. now, i havent seen him at all, in like a half a year! what do I do, ring on his door bell? I told my friend, and I still dont know what to do.


U should just ring his doorbell and ask him why he's not talking to you. Maybe he's shy or scared. Boys can be like that sometimes. They can act normal around guyz, but the do have sensitive sides. like this guy on your street. Write him another letter telling him that u just wanna b friends...and I don't know...maybe he'll listen! Oh yah BTW, did u put ur name on the end of the secret letter or did u leave it anonymous???

Chatterbox maybe he figured out that it wuz from u or something and that made him feel sorta shy. Maybe he just wants to be friends and is scared that you'll be sad if he doesnt "like" you back...or maybe he's just busy or having family problems or something. If u have the time, u should just talk 2 him.

PS: I heart your quote about the rose! It makes me think really deep and stuff, ya kno?!

Chatterbox! maybe he figured out that it wuz from u or something and that made him feel sorta shy. Maybe he just wants to be friends and is scared that you'll be sad if he doesnt "like" you back...or maybe he's just busy or having family problems or something. If u have the time, u should just talk 2 him.PS: I heart your quote about the rose! It makes me think really deep and stuff, ya kno?!

thanks! Ill try if i get to see him again.


Maybe have couple friends with you and may some friends that are boys and go to his house ask him if he wants to see a movie with you AND yor friends.

Maybe have couple friends with you and may some friends that are boys and go to his house ask him if he wants to see a movie with you AND yor friends.
Good idea.

Or even just go to the park or something. This will show him you still wanna be friends without making it awkward.

Maybe have couple friends with you and may some friends that are boys and go to his house ask him if he wants to see a movie with you AND yor friends.
What if he's not home? *frowns*

he interst in you. i have the alike story when i was 15.

i go camp and i seen a (maybe) 14 - year old boy and he said: nice tamagotchi heh! i was scared (he was really ugly) then i go to hide over him! but he find me and said:Hello,i am Steve what 's your name? i answered quickly: Rachel! and i ran off! i never seen him for 2 years.

he was very mystery too. :furawatchi:

Go to his house and knock on the door. Ask his parents if he's home because you want to talk to him. Then you can talk to him.
see... the problem is I don't know FOR SURE that he lives there. It could have been his friend's house.

Give him a call or see how he is doing my going to his house. :p Don't worry, it's not too awkward. ;)

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