Boy troubles


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
Today my boyfriend Zach told me he was moving and he was happy because he would see all his friends again. I asked him,'So you don't care about me?' I then decided I would dump him as a joke to see if he cared about me enough. Now he thinks I'm serious and won't talk to me! I really want him back but he won't listen to me!

What should I do?!

Well, to be honest, it really wasn't a good idea to "dump" him in the first place.

You may think I'm being harsh, but you did get yourself into this mess, and there is a chance that there won't be a way to fix it. I know if I had a boyfriend and he "dumped" me, I would have a hard time taking him back - even if he told me he didn't mean it. :D

So I guess talk to him, no one wants to be living a life of "what-ifs" - what if I talked to him and he DID take you back, etc. It's important not to brush it off though - tell him YOU were wrong, and that you were insecure and concerned about a long distance relationship (well, I don't know how far away he's moving, but you get the idea), etc.

Even if things don't work out, remember how young you are, and how much time you have ahead of you to date - and now you'll know not to make the same mistake twice.

Good luck, hope it works out ;]

Some people see the glass of water "half empty" while others see it "half full". Your boyfriend sees the glass of water "hall full". What I'm saying is, he's looking at the brightside of things while you are looking at the downside of things. It's not like he doesn't care about you, besides why would you want him all down and depress anyways? Think about it: If a friend was moving, would you rather see them down in the dumps and sad, or would you rather see happy, and excited even though it's depressing at the same time?

You're thinking too much about this. x.X

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To be completely honest, this is entirely your fault. You completely overreacted. The boy can't help if he has to move away, since it's not his decision. And if he's excited because he'll be seeing old friends again, then that's great for him, right? Nothing in that situation implied that he didn't care about you anymore. You'll have to talk to him. You were wrong. You were being too clingy. Since you two are just kids, you are not the center of his world. He has other things he likes and looks forward to, just like everyone else in the world. Next time, just chillax.

The best advice I can give you is to talk to him, admit it was your fault, and apologize. I'm sorry, but that's really all I can suggest you do. I mean, afterall, he may very well care a lot that he's moving away from you, but he can't do anything about the fact that he has to move. And, another fact is, that you shouldn't have dumped him just to see what his reaction would be. Sorry if I sound harsh, but I'm being truthful and honestly trying to give you the best advice I can.


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