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K first off...

I'm Gai/lesbo <--- wtf?

I understand it's a simple question/answer, but I find that to be extremely offensive and irrelevant. The way it's spelled makes it look homophobic and putting it nicely, ignorant. 'Lesbo' to me is very derogatory, and I'm sure it is to others as well. If you're going to make any kind input like that, at least spell it right and put it in a non-offensive way.

And to answer your question, I like/love girls.

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K first off...
I'm Gai/lesbo <--- wtf?

I understand it's a simple question/answer, but I find that to be extremely offensive and irrelevant. The way it's spelled makes it look homophobic and putting it nicely, ignorant. 'Lesbo' to me is very derogatory, and I'm sure it is to others as well. If you're going to make any kind input like that, at least spell it right and put it in a non-offensive way.

And to answer your question, I like/love girls.
I changed the poll to something to gay/lesbian.

I don't really like...any person at the moment. Never really have.

Most guys are nice to me :D I guess there's boys I like as just friends, and boys who I love. Actually, there's only one guy I love ;)

Boys are people. I am not a screaming "OMG, GOOUTWITHMENOWOMGFAINT" kind of person. I perfer boys as friends, especially since alot of girls seem to be obsessed with boys.

I like both, really. Not more than friends, though.

Most of my friends are boys, anyways. They have more interesting topics to talk about. Most of the girls at my school are talking about Disney and LipGloss all the time.

I prefer guys as friends, but that isnt always the case. I get crushes on and date both girls and boys.

Boys are people. I am not a screaming "OMG, GOOUTWITHMENOWOMGFAINT" kind of person. I perfer boys as friends, especially since alot of girls seem to be obsessed with boys.
That would be hormones that cause that :huh: lol once u hit puberty that might happen - yea I'm not explaining that situation anymore lol -

Well considering I'm a girl I like boys lol I like hang out with them and I hang out with girls but I'm not like that so I like to go out with boys. And I think this topic should be in seriously nontamatalk just from the pole and stuff.

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That would be hormones that cause that :huh: lol once u hit puberty that might happen - yea I'm not explaining that situation anymore lol -

Well considering I'm a girl I like boys lol I like hang out with them and I hang out with girls but I'm not like that so I like to go out with boys. And I think this topic should be in seriously nontamatalk just from the pole and stuff.
Thank you, but I hit puberty two years ago.

That would be hormones that cause that :huh: lol once u hit puberty that might happen - yea I'm not explaining that situation anymore lol -
Im 19 (well past hitting puberty) and Ive never felt that way.. Some girls really just aren't like that. :(

I do love boys. But I love them as friend love. ;D

There are just some things you can only do with guys, which you can't do with girls.

Besides, I'm not the type of person that goes crazy over guys...

Well, I shouldn't say that. I used to be like that. But ever since I've gotten a

Boyfriend, I've smarten up. ;]~♥

I love my best friends... Like best friend love. xP

I do have a boyfriend, and I do get along well with most of his friends. (Actually, all of his friends, with the exception of one. Who is going out with my best friend. And seems uncomfortable, if not guilty, talking to me. xD)

I like a lot of boys as friends, but I love the cute ones. ;) There's this guy I like in my class, his name's Ryan and he's REALLY cute. :p (Yeah and I have been posting it all around TT xD)

I like a lot of boys as friends too, but I like, like Ryan. :D

I dont have a BEST guy friend. Hm, I guess my best guy friends are Elijah and Steven. And no, I dont like, like them. :l I love Ryan. :D

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I really must say,I find you retarded. If it's not refering to you(since you aren't homosexual) how do the hell find it "offensive"?!IF even how do find it "offensive",a homosexual would just say how they feel.
o_O ok, that was REALLY rude. Why would u tell someone that u think they're retarded? That's just plain rude. ;)

*EDITED -tw/p*

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