Bracelet Swap!


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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Hey guys! :)

So, if you remember, I posted a topic a while ago on making bracelets macrame style. I recently participated in a swap, and it was so much fun! Unfortunately, on the website where I did it, I'm not allowed to host one because I'm not a moderator. So, I figured I would host one here! :) (Guide-proofed and everything ;) )

So, here's how it works:

I will take as many people that want to participate, because there probably aren't too many on here.

If you want to joing, just comment below and tell me. I'll post lists occassionally of who's joined.

Then, make your bracelet! There are some absolutely fantastic patterns on and tutorials on how to make bracelets if you don't know how but want to.

Then, pm me when you've finished and I will send you the address to my post office. PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR ADDRESS ON THIS TOPIC!

Send your bracelet in an envelope to me, with at least a stamp, or a self addressed envelope if you'd like to save me some time. ;)

Send a sticky note or something of the sort telling me if you're a girly girl, tom boy or whatever, just so I can send you the best bracelet that you'll love.

You have until November 15th to sign up, and I will post pictures of the bracelets I have probably at the end of the month. Please make sure your bracelets can be here by December 10th. :)

Any questions? Pm me or post 'em!

Have fun and sign up! :) :) :) :tarakotchi:

~ Violet

Hi! Im going to do th bracelet swap because it sounds like bunches of fun!! ;) I will PM you with more details later. :)

Yay! It IS going to be so much fun, for anyone that wants to join! (Which I really suggest...)

Uhm...I kind of live in the UK...and won't tell my address online...could I just send you a photo of my bracelet and you send me a photo of yours? Because this sounds like good fun and I want to participate. Maybe you could use my photo system for others who a ) live in another country or b ) don't feel comfortable sharing their address with people online or both? If you could do this that would be great, it would enable more people to participate ;)

You guys won't have to share your address online. If you make a bracelet, I pm you the address to my post office. And if you live in another country, just send me your bracelet either with another self addressed envelope or not, and I'll send you another bracelet. Getting your bracelet and getting to wear it is the best part! :) The swap I did included many different countries, so don't worry. :)

I mean...if my parents found out I was sending bracelets off to a Mysterious Unknown Source, or if they found out it was a post office in America, they would say I was giving away stuff I made to what could be an old 50 year old man who is selling the bracelet to make money et cetera et cetera et cetera and smash my computer. And I'm pretty sure other parents of kids on here aged 10-12 would not be happy either. Also, you mention you have to send me another bracelet - means you need my address. I don't really HAVE any local post office, since round here nothing is local except a wood and a farm. And anyway, if I DID have a local post office, I'd have to sned you THAT address, and then you'd know at least my county if not my actual town (not that I'm in a town, but you know what I mean).

Well, what about saying it's a pen-pal? 'Cause that's not entirely untrue. I mean, it'd be the same guidelines as a penpal. You send me something, I send you something. True I need your address, but you wouldn't have to send it online where people except for me could see it. This way only I can see the address.

I hate to sound negative but what if we took pictures of our bracelets and sent it through PM or email? I know a lot of members (including myself :) ) would enjoy doing this but the address or post office part might not go over well with my parents. I think this is a great idea though, it sounds like fun! :)

Well if we just take pictures then there's really no point. :p Like, not trying to sound mean, but the main point of a bracelet swap is so that you can actually GET a bracelet and wear it. :(

Well, sorry if this sounds rude, but it's a bit different from pen pals. I would not feel comfortable having a pen pal unless I had seen a photo of them, was the first one to recieve a letter from them and it was organised by someone trustworthy in real life such as a schoolteacher or club manager. Also, I would rather not give away a bracelet I had worked long and hard on. My parents wouldn't be "not that ecstatic", they would simply not allow it. So, I think if it REALLY needs to be an actual swap, you'll have to exclude me.

Oh, good gawd. If you guys can't even do the bracelet swap, then don't post fifty times explaining every reason why you can't do it.

I would be willing to do it, however, due to the fact I'm like ultra busy with sports, school, and other extracurricular activities, I can't do the bracelet swap. It'd be awful fun, though.

Besides, if you guys just exchanged photos, it would be lame. You may as well just sit on the forums and exchange words (Chat, durhur) with other people if you really wanna exchange things without actually sending material things to people.

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