Breathe your life into Me


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Dec 30, 2008
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The world and everything in it is a lie. So, me and Ian believe so.

I can see the future, willingly with no personal gain.

Ian and I believe everyone lives for a purpose.

What's ours?

To save the world before the end.

Chapter One: My eye-sight is going bad

I put my hand above my eyes to shield me from the blazing sun. He stood there, watching me with a calculating look. I take a few steps forward, then opened my mouth where no sound emitted.

"These are dangerous times. I'm going to leave while I can," he said. He reached out to grab my hand, but it went right through me.

My head was spinning. What danger? We've been safe all these years and now we have to leave? No. I won't back down now after everything I've done. I wanted to tell him these things, but my throat was dry and raspy.

He shook his head and turned on his heel, walking away from me. I wanted to follow, but I felt rooted to the ground by all my fears. Danger was near, and I had to stop it.

I woke up instantly. I stared at my alarm clock. 3:30 AM. I hopped out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

Dad was already at work, with my educated guess. Mom was knocked out on the couch, and Ian was on his computer researching. Who knows what, though.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat in the seat beside Ian. He was clicking furiously. Various news articles flashed before my eyes, and I could never understand how he read them so fast. I would assume he was researching dates of possible disasters. Ian was amazingly good at statistics. He was researching about 2012, like he had been the past week.

"Why 2012? Didn't I say I saw the end of the world in 2020?" I asked, the gears in my brain turning constantly now.

"Maybe this has something to do with the actual end. You never know. This could be linked to something." He leaned back in his chair and cracked his knuckles. "Maybe that super volcano in Yellowstone will destroy the Western United States, or maybe--"

"I would I saw," I interjected, taking a sip of coffee. "We have to stop this Ian, but think about it. Are any of our theories remotely near logical?" I asked, staring him down.

He stared right back and said, "Well. What exactly did you see?"

I close my eyes and went to the future. It was easy as that. I concentrated hard, then opened my eyes. The world was dark, the sun being non-existing. The buildings were falling apart, smashing through each floor. Erosion was destroying the ranch houses, and the bodies and animals were decaying and rotting.

There was shattered glass beneath my feet, and I began walking forward. I heard crunching as I walked across the glass, making my way to a near library. There was smoke coming form it, and I picked up the pace. I went to open the door, by my hand went through the handle. I walked in, and screamed as wood began crashing down around me, books being burned, the smell of smoke filing my lungs.

"WAKE UP!" Ian yelled, and I started shaking, looking up at him. "What did you see?" he asked, giving me a tight hug.

"I saw the buildings crashing down, and erosion destroying everything, and decaying human and animal flesh. Nature was burning this library and--" Ian stopped me, by putting a hand on my mouth. He stroked my head and told me to relax, everything was fine.

I walked into school later in the week, a Wednesday. No one had noticed my late entry, so I made my way quickly to my locker.

Mom had said I should go, visions of importance or not. Ian was always skipping school as the eldest, and the youngest, Aimee, was always having mental problems and didn't have the guts to go. As the middle, I was forced into the giant hole of doom. A place called Buckingham High School for the "Gifted." I was gifted... but not like these kids were. I had an actual gift, they just had brains.

"Where on Earth have you been?" A voice asked, and I slammed my locker shut out of fear. I saw Mandi, my only friend who knows about my visions, and sighed with relief. "You were gone two weeks!"

"Time flies, doesn't it..." I said, nervous. "We've had more, uh, problems, you see..."

"Magical, no doubt. What happened this time?" Mandi looked at me expectantly, and I exhaled loud.

"I saw the end of the world. That's what," and I walked into homeroom, letting my words dangle in her head.
