Bridge Collapsed (sp?)


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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2007
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Mennepillas (sp?), Minnasotta (sp?) yesterday (or today) a bridge collapsed (sp?) and a whole bunch of cars drove into the water. The bridge was old, I think, and it snapped and broke in half.

Anyone else hear about that?


I live very close to Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I did hear about it. I was going to make a topic myself but this is good. :(

I heard dozens of people were killed and injured.

Pretty sad. A bus full of teenagers was riding on the bridge when it collapsed. They had to crawl out of windows to get to safety.

I heard the bridge was 2 years old x.x

I heard they're searching for people in the water. But on the news it said only about 5 people were rumoured dead, I don't think there where too many killed because most of the bridge had been closed due to construction.

But I don't know if what I said was true o_O

Wow, how will people get to where they wanna go or travel to see their family?

that's gotta suck...

This is a copy There is already a topic about the bridge by VanessaHudgensFan102.
No >.> This topic was posted in August 2. VannesaHudgensFan102 was posted in the 3rd.

This is the first one. Go read the dates.

No >.> This topic was posted in August 2. VannesaHudgensFan102 was posted in the 3rd.
This is the first one. Go read the dates.
the guides suggest which 1 is closed or not.

There's already a thread on this, you know...

I'd be soooo scared... if it were me, I'd rush out of the car and try to land in the mississippi river feet first. o_O (immensly satisfied, I know.)

6 people died, 30 missing, and many injured. I read about it on So sad.

Thats Really Sad. :lol: I Heard about it On the News. And on

That was a really sad event. Imagine just driving along and the bridge collapsing with no warning. Apparently the bridge was inspected year ago and looked fine. It must have been so scary.

the guides suggest which 1 is closed or not.
Does it matter?

I'm not particulary keen on riding on bridges. Ever since I was 14 and heard of a fatal accident on a bridge, I never thought the same way about them again o.o

Is the bridge 30 or 2 years old?

My family and I got lucky. Me and my mom and stepdad just left Minnesota before it happened. AND, my cousin drove over that bridged literally 5 minutes before the collapse. We got very lucky and so did my cousin.

I think it's sad that that happened. Many people died or got injured. I'm kind of scared to go on bridges now. I know what was just a coincedence (sp?) but it could happen again.


I didn't hear about it, but I find it sad that people got injured or hurt- that sucks. x[

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