Britney Spears shaved her head


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Ha ha. I hate Britney Spears. (If this offends anyone, I'm sorry.)

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She never ceases to amuse me, either.

And don't worry, crazyy*tama. If it offends anyone, then they can't take an opinion. I hate her, too. xD

I REALLY hate her. I think she's a horrible singer and a horrible parent. If this offends you, i really dont care, be offended, wont change my opinion.


Britney Spears is a disgrace. x_X She really shouldn't be a 'star', in my opinion.

She continues to amuse me. xP


Lyke srsly,that chick never stops to amuse me.



Story: [x]

Man, She needs a life.

She married a childhood friend for 2 days! Lol!

Shaving her head. Wow! Thats a bold fashion statement! I hope no one follows it. :S

tamagatch, that si not nice to say that you do not care if anybody is affended because you should. :( i don't like her either...i just saw that video on yahoo this morning. ;)

I REALLY hate her. I think she's a horrible singer and a horrible parent. If this offends you, i really dont care, be offended, wont change my opinion.
I like her singing but I don't like her parenting! :(

Ah... Britney Spears used to be my all-time idol... That is, when I was 5. I think shaving her head was a statement. Possibly for some publicity.

Most 'stars' that have children aren't very good at parenting. When you live in the real world, you would know what to do in most cases. 'Stars', on the other hand, call their 'people' to do it for them. 'People' as in maids, cooks, doctors, etc., mostly depending on how rich they are. :(

Dang just when you think she can't get any more offending she takes it up a notch.

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Wow. Britney (like most of you) never ceases to amuse me. This is just insane! At first I thought "Maybe she's doing it to make a statement about cancer patients that have gone through chemotherapy." and then I laughed. Britney would never do that! And her poor kids. Did you see that picture of her driving with her baby on her lap?? Crazy!! I used to like Britney when I was 5. Now I hate her. Just like Hilary Duff. And Lindsay Lohan... And all of those people. :rolleyes:

Ha ha. I hate her too. Shes not really a star (to me) X_X She should never be called one either. :rolleyes:

Jamilyn Spears is much better. I actually like her.

Britney Spears is a disgrace(sp?) like tgd said.

All I have to say is Ha Ha, Ha!


~Please note: This is in my own opinion. Please do not take any of this in offence to anyone.

Thank you.

Brittney is like my wacko neighbors. One of their moms (you don't want to know...) drives with the first grader on her lap! :rolleyes: Just like her...

I heard of that today. That is just plain funny and creepy at the same time. Britney with a shaved head. I really do hate her. When I was like 5, I actually liked her song Oops....I did it again. I hate that, too. I like her sister Jamie Lynne, tho. She has a good TV show Zoey101....

I like Britney more than Jamie..

To me, Jamie was just riding on her sister's fame.

If Britney wasn't there....I honestly doubt Jamie would be where she is right now.

And wow, this is so weird...Britney always had......I don't knwo...


Oh well. She has billions of dollars to buy wigs, anyways. ^_^

The things celebrities do these days.

Britany Spears never thinks that she is perfect, eh? She has to keep on doing stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up turning out like a boy..or a half boy, half girl. That would certainly amuse me ^_^


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