broken leg


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Just to let you know for a second, I've broken my leg 2 times ice skating for championships.

Nope, and I'm glad. I heard it hurts like...a lot. I don't really know anybody that would want to. o__O

^-^ I will need to cross running down a mountain from my 'Things to do in Denver' list xD. And it sounded so fun....

I have never broken a single bone. Not even a hairline fracture. I am a healthy person.

I've never broken my leg, but I've broken four of my fingers. Two at a time ^.^;

The first time in a window and the second time playing air hockey. Always fun.

I did break my friend's arm though XD

Yay! That sounds really fun, but I would feel guilty afterwards. I am developing my consience, and I hate it.

i've never broken anything =] and i really hope i stay like this for a long time!*(with out brakeing a bone)*

yeahn, it was an...intresting experiance i was running aroyund with my friends kinda downward and i had picked up a lot of speed and momentum it was when we were on a vacation and we just finnished paying a game in the sycamore trees, so there was a lot of roots sticking out of the ground and after i was runing so fast downhill towrds the little creek and my foot got coaght under a root and it i think twisted the wrong way or somthing and i broke it o.0

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