Brother = gets everything


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
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Wherever you think I am.
Ok, well. Hi, I'm here to rant about this because I need to tell someone and I can't tell anyone in real life. Here goes nothing...

Well, my dad lost his job in february and we've been living on my mum's money. She gets around £500 a month, so it's okay. Anyway, we have enough money for shopping and stuff, but, I need a mobile phone, so I asked my mum. "We don't have enough money for that just now, sweetie, okay? When I get more money in two weeks, we will get you it, okay?" So I am okay with that, but, my big brother comes through, asks for the same amount of money as the phone costs and she gives him it! It's only to go out to a bar or something. He gets his own money every month but she just gives him more and more. I don't see how it's fair!

Do you?

Well, depends how old your brother is. My brother when he was about 17, Needed money to help him get a job (Or something) and my parents were happy with that.

If you are concerned with fairness and reasoning behind your paren'ts decision, you should talk calmly and cooly to your mother and father about it as why. It could just be they think of you as being too young for such things as of yet, and noone NEEDS a phone, it's more of a that could be their reasoning. Hopefully you get it straightened out.

How old is your brother, and how old are you? Think about it. He may really need a mobile phone, and you may not really need a mobile phone. :( He's not spoiled, it's just that he is older than you, and when you are older you require more things, such as mobile phones, you will soon get a driver's license, getting prepared for the university, etc. So, remember that. ;)

If you still are concerned about that, then you should talk about it with your mom or your dad. ;]

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