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dats not fair. people cant take d mik outta u coz u like sumthin. day call me a saddo coz i like pokmon at school.
Man, Bullies are shallow.

I can't stand that.

What's wrong with Pokemon when it's something you like?

Stand up for yourself, and don'tlet them put you down.


And Locky458...

Those people that you have to deal with are just plain nasty.

I can bet you that none of it is true.

Believe it or not, but people like them just want attention.

It's not cool....

I'm very sorry.

One day, the Bullies will look back and be embarrased and sorry, too. That is, if they have a good heart.


At school I play with food and mess about and those people who wear mini-skirts and make up to school stare at me and say "Oh My God, Freak!" I don't care though ^^ Im Crazeh And Luvvin It! :p

Well if people bully you; hit oy or call you names. Hit them or do the responsible and tell a teacher.

Well i dont get bullied well im sorta one of the popular people (no offence or anything)

Yes I have been bullied before. But I stick up for myself, and show those bullies how to be. :D

There's one girl in my class who I just don't like (I don't really talk to her though) because she's always mean and gossiping or calling my friends bad names, so I ignore her, and she's always afraid of me. Like she won't play soccer when everyone else is just because it's my ball. She won't jump rope with her friends because I'm there. She won't sit with us at lunch because I'm there. I mean, I'm not going to do anything, it's not like I can just tell her to get away, I don't care if she plays... I just don't like how she acts.

Yes I have been bullied before. But I stick up for myself, and show those bullies how to be. :(
There's one girl in my class who I just don't like (I don't really talk to her though) because she's always mean and gossiping or calling my friends bad names, so I ignore her, and she's always afraid of me. Like she won't play soccer when everyone else is just because it's my ball. She won't jump rope with her friends because I'm there. She won't sit with us at lunch because I'm there. I mean, I'm not going to do anything, it's not like I can just tell her to get away, I don't care if she plays... I just don't like how she acts.
so do u just basicly ignor har?

i used to get bullied in grade 2 for dressing bad :( , just that I had no clue about it. Like at my friend's birthday party, ppl pretended they were making a play, so they took my BFF in, but if I wanted to join... Its a no no :( Then they break up the *supposed* play, try to take away my BFF to become"cool". But I'm glad she didn't join them... And when I was in Primary soccer, ppl from even OTHER schools called me a geek. Saying that I dress bad.

On the first day of school, two girls (now my"friends") made fun of my hair

BUt people are still looking for everything bad to say about me you know, JUST to get me miserable in the morning :angry:

Its weird how most of them are now kissing up to me because I'm richer than them :angry: :angry: :angry: Now I have something to say to them " I don't give a crap" :(

No, but people are always taking advantage of me because I can't say no and am really shy.

If they see it's not bothering you they should stop! But if they see it is getting to you then they will keep doing it over and over until you really snap.

I know how all you guys feel! I have been bullied. This year and last year... <_<

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I used to get bullied all the time and the princeple would never do anything about it.So finally i told this guy off and then dident ever talked to him again.And i still havent For like 1 1/2 years so here is a helpful tip.When they come up to you run to the teachers but if they folow you go by someone you know wont realy let them be rude inless they have to.Then when you go home tell your parents and tell them you have to hide and try to avoid the bullie because if you avoid them then they will act like your not alive.Or what you do is if they say something rude to you like here is and exsaple. "Your ugly" Then you would say something like "that is whats speachil about me Thank you" And then they will think your wierd and walk away.And then when ever they do that say something back like that.It always and i mean always works for me.


ps i hope this help you with getting bullied

ps#2: Or i hope they help anybody on tama talk that needs help with bullies.

I'm really sorry that they are bulling ( SP? ) you, that's not right. They probley don't have any friends...Most bully's don't.


I never get bullyed at school, If I do see a person get bullied, I usally go up to the person, and calm them down, and tell them that it's not really nice to hurt someone like that. Is there really any point? Did they do anything to you? No, so don't...They usally stop when I say that. I hope they stop bullying you..



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