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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
Have you ever been bullied? Do you bully others? For me, it's not really physical bullies, but girls picking me apart for the smalles things. "omg you should buy new jeans yours are all hole-y" "omg your hair is to frizzy" "omg you are so gonna fail this class" it just really makes me mad. What about you?

People get teased for MANY reasons. The reasons include: Sex,Race,Physical appearance[Hair,weight,height,etc,.],clothes,choice of sexuality and many more.

I believe everyone is different. Sure, we can be called "Emo","Jock","Prep","Punk","Skater" and "Gangster"...But in the inside, were all alike, even if we don't wear Hollister clothes.

We are ALL kids,adults and human beings! Are the kids who don't wear Abercrombie aliens? No. Not at all. Why can't we be "George","Izzy" or "John"?

Either your skin is white,black or rainbow, your STILL accepted as a person.

Even if your hair is purple,blond or gray, your still a person.

Even if you don't look that great, YOUR STILL A PERSON.

Do not let these people get you down, even if they look pretty on the outside, they aren't very nice in the inside.

Sure, I don't look that great on the outside, but I'm nice on the inside.

Otherwise, No. I was never teased.

Thanks for reading,


I honestly don't see much bullying going on.

In my school district, the administration makes a big deal of it. Tons of of the funding from our local government funds our anti-bullying programs.

But yet, I just don't see it going on.

Either I live in a cave, or the program is working.

I think it's the first one.

I don't think it's so much bullying, it's just all the "social levels" of my high school. Like, most of the cheerleaders and the other "popular" crowd just won't talk to you. It's more of a shunning kind of thing. It doesn't really bother me, or most people for that matter. They "popular" people don't bother you, you don't bother them. That's the end of it, for the most part.

And nobody really puts you down to your face that I've seen. And if someone does put you down, it normally isn't persistant- because if the other person doesn't like you, they won't bother to be seen with you!

As for physical, sure there are fights at my school, but it's not a bullying type thing. It's just a testosterone fueled battle. :)

So I don't think there's an issue of bullying for the most part at my high school... it's just little things.

However, in any school district or social situation, you shouldn't be put down because of your sexual orientation, race, etc. It's just wrong. You have to remember that those putting you down are the most insecure with themselves, and that's a personal issue they're going to have to confront sooner or later.

Bullies are SO annoying. Like, in gym class a few days ago, my thumb cracked, and a girl said "ewww!!! you farted!" and I was like " shut up, it was my thumb. :) " And I was thinking this "you are so stupid I didn't fart just ask if I did don't be a brat"

The teachers at my school always told us that our district had the second most reported cases of bullying.

But really, what they consider bullying, I'd consider natural behavior. The schools think that the whole social levels thing is bullying. In my eyes, it's only natural to try to be popular and what not. There's no harm in not inviting someone to a party if you don't want to (and you never told them you would in the first place)

An besides, there's no severe (sexual, racial, and overly physical) things at my school. There have been "internet popularity list" orientated things happening, and pushing or scratching "fights", but really, nothing that I'd say is really bad has ever happened.

But, if it actually mattered, I'd say that I'm a bit of an outcast anyways :3

I'm bullied.

So, I don't wear Hollister clothing, but at least I'm a decent person. I don't pick on others, I try to be accepting, I try to help those who look troubed, and I always try to make friends with "the new kid".

I might not have that many friends, expensive clothes, or be pretty, but does any of that really matter? No, but it's only human nature to think about my apperance and social life from time to time. It's the same with most people. It's only human nature...

No matter how deep down we all go, we're all only human.

What we all feel, how much pain we're all in, or how hideous we all may look we're still people. We all have flaws, we aren't perfect. We weren't made to be perfect, so it's only natural that we do have flaws.

Bullys aren't "stupid", but they're troubled. Most of the time, people pick on others becasue they don't feel confident about themselves or are just have a bad life. So bullys may play the "bad" role, but it doesn't automaticaly make them bad people.

Sorry about sounding so cliche`. D:

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I've been bullied for 3 years in a row. this year isn't so bad, but the kids are still mean.

they don't call eachother names like "omg your clothes are ugly" they just say bad words and try to hit you.

5th grade was the worst, 6th grade was almost as bad. in 5th grade, they would throw pencils and shout bad words and the teacher wouldn't even belive me! one girl hit me in the eye and I had to go to the hospital! and then the next month she had a pencil and scraped me with it and it left a big scar!

I don't want to talk about 6th grade, it was just a bunch of bad words and the teacher wouldn't belive me. :p


I've been bullied for 3 years in a row. this year isn't so bad, but the kids are still mean.

they don't call eachother names like "omg your clothes are ugly" they just say bad words and try to hit you.

5th grade was the worst, 6th grade was almost as bad. in 5th grade, they would throw pencils and shout bad words and the teacher wouldn't even belive me! one girl hit me in the eye and I had to go to the hospital! and then the next month she had a pencil and scraped me with it and it left a big scar!

I don't want to talk about 6th grade, it was just a bunch of bad words and the teacher wouldn't belive me. :angry:

I feel your pain.

The teachers wouldn't believe that this boy was bullying me because they loved him SO MUCH. :angry: Even though he got detentions every 5 minutes. <_<

People aways have taken a hit at me (Both physically and using words) but I don't let them bother me and i'm really good at self defence!

Some one today took a hit at me with words and called me alot of things that aren't to be said on this site and I said "Go eat a bagel" and they studdered and walked off frowning.

Tip: Say something stupid and they'll get bored or annoyed and leave

Well, an extermely annoying kid called Neil annoyes the poo out of me. I had to sit with my friends lil' bro who Niel beat up several times. Tanner (my friends bro) is 11, Neil's 15. =[

Anywho, He leaned over to me and says Awww, the perfect couple. So I punched him in the face as I was not having a good day already. But I missed >=[

Also a kid called Jessica. She has no respect for anything/one. Here is one example.

I was playing volleyball, and if it went out whe I hit the ball, Hit the net when I served, or if I missed it she'd laugh her head off. Even worse, she used fake laughter some times. And she wondered why I whiffed the ball at her head. Duh.

And She has soooo many friends! How'd she get so many? It's killing me.

I get picked on because of my race and labels.

Being stereotyped is the exact reason why I don't like being Asian.

People assume I'm smart, have no life, spend all day studying, like Pokemon and know karate >__>

And for labels.

I hate labels and all but no matter what they'll always be there.

People always go up to me and say, "Gosh, WTF are you?? You try to fit into every single flippin clique!!"

I don't care if I fit in or not. I wear what I want and no one's gonna stop me.

I like to wear American Eagle, Hollister and Abercormbie when I want to be casual.

I like to wear loose clothes and skateboarding brands when I go to the skatepark afterschool.

I like to wear bright colours and bows when I want to look cute.

I like to wear lots on shiny jewelry when I feel gangster 8D

(I like to wear a lot of other things but I'm not gonna type alot for the sake of knowing not really anyone really reads my posts xD)

I like to wear very different things on differents days.

I know clothes show some of people's personalities.

But since when does the type of clothing show PEOPLE FOR WHO THEY REALLY ARE.

I was cyber bullied (Sorted it out and there was a heck of alot of trouble) because I have Maori in me. I'm not a pure race so they called me a mutt, a multi, a muddy etc. They also did lots of other mean stuff too.

[SIZE=14pt]IDK i don't go to Public School, but i have been bullied i just Act like Whatever i don't care kinda thing, they usually get mad and stop[/SIZE]



I used to get bullied in grade 2, 3 and 4...

High school now and they don't even try because they'll know what will happen if they do...


Have you ever been bullied? Do you bully others? For me, it's not really physical bullies, but girls picking me apart for the smalles things. "omg you should buy new jeans yours are all hole-y" "omg your hair is to frizzy" "omg you are so gonna fail this class" it just really makes me mad. What about you?
I get that sorta stuff too. I get called a lesbian, a pyscho, a weirdo & and ugly freak.

I honestly don't see much bullying going on.In my school district, the administration makes a big deal of it. Tons of of the funding from our local government funds our anti-bullying programs.

But yet, I just don't see it going on.

Either I live in a cave, or the program is working.

I think it's the first one.

I don't think it's so much bullying, it's just all the "social levels" of my high school. Like, most of the cheerleaders and the other "popular" crowd just won't talk to you. It's more of a shunning kind of thing. It doesn't really bother me, or most people for that matter. They "popular" people don't bother you, you don't bother them. That's the end of it, for the most part.

And nobody really puts you down to your face that I've seen. And if someone does put you down, it normally isn't persistant- because if the other person doesn't like you, they won't bother to be seen with you!

As for physical, sure there are fights at my school, but it's not a bullying type thing. It's just a testosterone fueled battle. :rolleyes:

So I don't think there's an issue of bullying for the most part at my high school... it's just little things.

However, in any school district or social situation, you shouldn't be put down because of your sexual orientation, race, etc. It's just wrong. You have to remember that those putting you down are the most insecure with themselves, and that's a personal issue they're going to have to confront sooner or later.
That's the same here.

Sure, we have "fights" - actually, I almost got trampled by these stupid boys in the stands and would have had NO where to go but crowd surfing [literally, we were almost at the very top of the bleachers and it was PACKED] over something incredibly dumb. I take that back - we have pretty bad fights. 17 guys recently beat this kid so bad he had to go the the hospital. And now all the football team wants revenge on them.

It's usually not THAT bad though.

We all have our cliques but there's so many people at my school as far as I know we don't have big wars over that stuff. No one really cares anymore.

'Cept for the too-much-testosterone-filled-guys. But that's pretty much it.

I dont get bullied much at all. Its probably cuz at my school people usually get bullied if they do something first. If they're completely innocent than nothing will happen to them. Although I did get bullied once because of my accent, but thats all gone now. But still, people do talk about me behind my back and Ive heard them say bad things about me and honestly, if it doesnt get to me than Im fine with it. Its my friends that matter, not my popularity.

(P.S. Grrrr..I hate labels SO much! People get called nerds, emos, goths, punks etc.... and its so incredibly annoying. GRRRRR!!!)

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