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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
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First off, there's no "I have bullied." cause' I know that you guys wouldn't really bully. I think ;]

Have you ever been bullied or witnessed bullying? I have been bullied by two girls(One of them now my good friend), in the year 2007. I just decided to create this topic to see how people have been treated with the manner of bullies. And yes, it can't really be tolerated. If you are being bullied, tell someone. You may not realise it, but it helps ;D .


There's this boy in my class who CONSTANTLY picks on me. It doesn't really damage me emotionally, it just makes me annoyed. My English teacher was convinced I was getting bullied because during class the boy kept blabbing on and on until I eventually lost it and yelled at him explicitly and aimed a chair at him then when the teacher dragged me off I told him that the boy wouldn't quit bothering me, so yeah. I was also sobbing, but that was from rage. Good thing is, the English teacher told guidance and the guidance phoned the boy's mum so he got into huge trouble and his brother also called him a p***y for picking on a girl.

As far as real bullying goes, everytime I fall out with one of my friends they cyber bully me like hell, poking fun at my weight (A girl I'll call J, though she's just a hypocrite because she weighs more than me and I actually look a bit thinner than my weight), threatening me (saying they'll tell their parents a bunch of bullBEEP then they'll tell my parents, saying they're gonna get their cousin or something to beat me up, saying they're going to guidence even though it's NOTHING FREAKING TO DO WITH GUIDENCE. None of these threats are ever carried out) but they're too wussy to say stuff to me in real life. I've fallen out with all my friends except one right now, and all of the ones I've fallen out with except a girl I'll call A have been saying all this BEEP to me. I guess this kind of counts as bullying even though there's no ACTUAL contact involved 'cause it does seriously, seriously get me down.

this kid his name is *don't use real names on the Internet* and he is always trying to put me down just so he can think he is part of the cool crowd

TamaMum Edit: don't use real names please

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Oh, no one would ever bully me. I'm a very intimidating person. -shrug- Sure, I'm 5'1", but no one would ever say anything to me / about me / physically hurt me. I don't know why. I think it's because I'm very different from most people my age. More mature and the like -- not more serious, but I'm an obviously civil person. Or perhaps it's because I seem like an emotionless pile of creepiness. I don't know why they think that, it's not true. I'm just kind of awkward around people I don't have much in common with. x3

I've definitely seen people been bullied before. I've seen bookbags get peed in, people get their earrings ripped out of their ears, people sob and collapse because of mental trauma as a result of being constantly criticized...I think that's part of what sets me apart, because I'll actual stand up for the person whereas others who disagree will stand around like mechanical sheep. And there's lots of "play bullying" within "friend" groups that I've seen seriously affect people. Even my own social circle is sometimes maimed by bleep like that. Not that I really have one anymore, considering I changed schools and most of my friends live 45ish minutes away. I guess what I'm trying to say is children really do suck sometimes and school is a rather tough thing for some people...especially in my area.

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I was bullied a couple of years ago. :[

I didn't like it at all.

I've also witnessed it.

Bullying is a horrible thing..

At my school, everyone is fighting for top girl, and it seems being rude to others that aren't into the same things as you classifies as something that will help you achieve the most "popular".

I think it's disgusting.

No one has physically been hurt, but physical injuries can be healed.

Verbal ones, not so much.

There's this big I'm-so-cool-look-at-me-speak-chav-I-have-the-biggest-attitude girl at my school.

I've seen her bullies others, and quite frankly if she does it again she's going to have me to answer to. /:

And no one wants that. ;)

I feel like I'm sorta being bullied at the moment.

My ex-best friend is spreading bad rumours about me. Also, she is telling the teachers I've hit her and sworn at her, called her offensive names etc... I haven't done that, and the people at TT who know me, will know I'd never do that. To be honest, it's actually ruining my life...

I feel bad for Keeley.

Because Keeley is not a bad person.

I have never been bullied like that, really. Slight offensive names by little kids who are just plainly idiotic and don't have anything better to say. Otherwise, people just don't do it. I don't get involved with things like that and I guess people just let me be me. I will admit, I have bullied before, and do feel pretty darn bad for doing it. I don't wanna go into details but it made someone absolutely miserable for a couple of months. Now I've learnt from that and will never do such a thing ever again.

Bullying is terrible and absolutely nobody deserves it.

But the actual bully should be placed in the victim's position.

[SIZE=8pt]For 10 years (I'm not exaggerating!) I was bullied constantly. Sometimes physical, but mostly verbal.[/SIZE]

Quite simply it ruined my life, and it's very hard trying to get my life back in order.

<_< yes i have been bullied.

by a girl in my class who always bullyes me on the playground. she knows i suck at tetherball, and whenever i play against her, she goes as hard as she can on me(shes the reason i dont play tetherball anymore) also, she told my most secret secret 2 people after i speciffacly told her not 2. i dont hang out with her anymore. :) B) B) :D

yes. im definatly NOT popular, and the girls who ARE think that they can make me feel terrible and ashamed. at least i have my little group of friends, but even then sometimes they dont stick up for me. and our school is supposed to me a "no bullying campus." ha.

OH YEAH I GET BULLIED A LOT! It doesnt bother me but some things some *certain* people say to me annoy me a lot and end up make ing me do the bullying =,( (I'm a very emotional person)

None.Bullies are not allowed in our school and I've never been bullied.
Bullies are not tolerated, but no school is bully free.

I've been bullied about various different things. Most of it comes down to the fact that I'm cleverer than most, and I work really, really hard. It's ridiculous and incredibly sad when people who get good grades are put down when people should be happy for them. It got really bad at one stage, I was constantly picked on for it quite harshly. I'm a very strong person, it's not often I get so hurt I cry. It was the support of my true friends that got me through it. Word actually got around and even people I didn't really know too well were sending me Facebook and Bebo messages telling me that they heard I was being bullied and they knew why and that those people who were doing it needed to get a life. They also told me I could talk to them if I just felt I needed someone to talk to. It's people like them that get you through it, really, and I'm still so thankful to them. Turns out why I wad bullied was all down to jealousy in the end.

My friend is being bullied right now. Its all about racism. Shes fighting back and they dont like it so they beat her up. :/ She is refusing to tell ANYONE though.

My friend is being bullied right now. Its all about racism. Shes fighting back and they dont like it so they beat her up. :/ She is refusing to tell ANYONE though.
Maybe tell your counsiller or whatever you call them? Rascism, as far as I know, is more or less illegal.

I've been bullied heaps throughout my life.

I spent from the ages of 3 and 7 absolutely miserable and fearing going to school.

When I was 7 I pretty much snapped and pushed one of the bullies off the playground, breaking her hand.

I still got bullied but not so bad.

Last year I was emotionally bullied and suffered depression.

In the last month I have felt a little picked on and bullied to the point I tried self harm.

Bullies have really screwed my life up.

Two gus in my class. first there is J---- and then w----. They both physically and emotionally bullying me, but i am popular and now the whole school has like, two teams XD i am like so popular, with girls as well. my friend P---- is a black belt in karate and he owns, and i am good at like swerving and dodging, so they can never punch me. I am also a fast runner. But i am not here to tell you all about myself ;D.

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