Bump Game


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Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
Hi, yesterday i bought my new conexion V2 (i never had a V1). Well i just can't understand how to play the bump game...the instructions tell me to press B so that the bar apears and i choose the power.

What happens is that first for me to get the bar i must press B severall times (dont know if this is normal) and then after the bar apears sometimes i can get it full, but i still loose...even in the first round...

Can please somebody help me?


Well... I have been having some troble with that too. I think you have to get the bar as high as you can, but i have lost even when its full. I am confused about that. ^_^

Yes, I am useless at Bump too....

The suggestions for success that I have read on TamaTalk are:

Try to make sure that your Tama is at least 50lbs heavy - light weight tamagotchis don't stand a chance at Bump.

Wait until you see the word PUSH. Then press B to start the power button and watch it filling for a few moments to get the rhythm then try to press B at the moment it is at its fullest power.

Keep having a go. Your Tama will eventually start winning more regularly if you keep playing regularly.

It's worth a try. I still rarely get past round 2 in Bump, so I just play Jump and then wait until I can play Slot!

Best, etc.


alright here it is

before plating,try to make sure your tama is sorta fat,it will give it a edge in the last 2 rounds

when your tama comes out.repeadily press the middle button until a bar comes,try to get it so it shows little or no white,

then,repeaditly press the b button until the round is over.

you should last to the last or 2nd last round

best regards,pm me what happens!



that's what i do. I don't think you need to make it fat though. That can't be it. Something weird: On m friends tama, i got up to 8 all the time. when i got my first ever tamagotchi, i couldn't get past 1. I get to 4-5 now.

i tried ur idea but it didnt work. :angry: i have a 60lb young mametchi

I've only beaten Bump once. :angry: It's not hard, really, when you press B for the power bar, it starts out really slow, then it goes faster. Try and hit it when it's going slow.

And yes, your tama has to be fat. Somewhere between 45-65 pounds is your best bet. :(

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