Bump,Tip for Bump Players


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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
you need to fatten your tama up to win the bump game... it might say 99.... but as you get through the rounds, you lose weight... to avoid this, you need to really fatten up your tama... i keep feeding it tarts and pudding... you will get several tooth aches while doing this, so you'll need to heal it when they refuse to have another dessert.

so remember, even if it says 99, keep fattening so you can make it to then end.

I have tested it and it does work and your tama does'int die from over weighting it i have done it many times and it did not die so this cheat is completly save

good tip but you can win on around 60 or 70g but i wouldnt want to make my tama that fat. but thats my opinion.

you dont win alot of points thogh.i won bump at 20 pounds.

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