Bunch of tama logs


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Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
Missouri, USA
Hello! My name is Jaketazm! This log will be unique because I will have some other people logging on it as well! I don't really know about them, But I am logging my used idL I got recently.

Lets start.




Yes, I named myself "A" besides that, we have a beeeeautiful baby boy!

I will be back once he is a toddler :)

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Skygryph's Log: 1

Hi everyone! I'll also be logging here from now on. :)

I'm currently running a M!ix, and the third generation baby was just born today!

Family photo! Nika (a Mametchi and Memetchi mix) and her husband, Kuchipatchi, had a baby boy today, named Caih. Caih immediately set to wearing them both out, begging for food and frolicking all over the house. Thankfully, he makes up for his insatiable appetite by being a happy tama kid; he sulked in the corner for a minute just once, but other than that, he's been a cheerful ball of fluff (unlike his mother, Nika, who spent most of her time as a baby crying). Here's hoping he keeps up the positive attitude as he grows older!

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Hello! I believe I may be the only one here logging a non-colour tama! I'll eventually be logging an Akai, but my character on there is not an adult yet and I'm not too keen on resetting. For now, I'll be logging a debugged Tamagotchi Plus (which is, essentially, a V1 in every way but the language).

I popped a battery in and was greeted by "A", a five year old Gozarutchi. I put him in hyperspeed mode until the matchmaker came. Then I hypersped him until he left his baby.

I named the baby boy "Jiro". His baby stage didn't last long because I hypersped - he was a baby for a total of about three minutes. Here's some of the highlights of those few minutes:


He then evolved into a classic Marutchi. This didn't surprise me because his father was a horrible care adult.

I'm caring for him normally now (ie. not hyperspeeding). He'll be turning into a teen tomorrow and I already know what he'll become - on the V1, Marutchi can only become Hinotamatchi on odd gens. (I forgot to mention, but I'm starting from generation 9.) I find it difficult to get good care adults on this version, but I hope I can manage it this time around. It's worth a shot.

Not sure how often I'll be logging in here, but I'll try to as often as possible. The V1 isn't really the most feature-rich tama, so I'll just post what I can. I have a personal log that I update more frequently - the link for that is in my sig. I'll probably be back tomorrow when Jiro becomes a teen, so bye for now!

