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Yes, I do have a rabbit. His name is Kanin. I don't have any pictures of him on the computer though.

Between my vicious dog and my maniac cat I can't have any other animal in the house. xP

Bunnies are cool though!

I have a bunny! =P

His name is Honey Bun and I love him!^^

I used to have another rabbit named TJ, but he died recently. :(

I like bunnies, but my Dad says they are pointless with no special talents, just eat and poop. 0-0

No, but I used to. I had Hoppy when I was young, he was white with black splotches. I got my next two a few years later, one was called Sooty and was fully black with tiny tips of white, one was called Sweep, he was black with white paws and a white collar of fur. My last one was called Fluffy. She was a himylayin dwarf; silver fox.

Sadly they are no longer with me, but they are in a better place... :( ^_^

Now, I have a cat, two dogs, a hamster and two fish. (My dog also had puppies and I still have one...)

Yeah, I have a bunny. ;) His name is Biscuit and he is so adorable! I don't have a picture though, but he's a white colour with brown eyes. :)

i do hes brown and she wight shes a girl woth black patches called flower and the boy is a brown 1 called sam they had a baby its pink atm and its called honey but i love all 3 of them and last time my dog ate a diff baby what my other bunny pig had he ate her to but the bpy 1 dissaperd so i got 2 new 1ns the to i got and they had a baby

I can't get a rabbit coz my cats might eat them, but they're SO cute, have you ever seen angora rabbits (sorry for the spelling), they're so CUTE!!! And nummy, your rabbits sooooooo cute, and your rabbits were cute two, Nix666, I wonder if they've met Hugo and Rubin (my old guinea pigs :D ), I think guinea pigs and rabbits share the same heaven, I wish I could see them there *stares into space thinking about it* Awww....

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