Bye dad, Bye life...


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Rocken Sisters

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2006
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My dads moving out this wednesday but I dont know what to do. My brother has moved out and its just pulling my family apart. The most important thing in life is "Friends" and "Family". So if my family is pulled apart then so is my life.

I can understand how you feel. My family has been torn a part ever since I was three. I don't really know if a happy family does exsit. It's not the end of your life, it just makes you a stronger person. After a while you'll get use to it and feel better about your life. Every one goes through something like this. Dont' feel alone.

Yes...the ripping of a family is like the ripping of a heart. You must be heartbroken already, with the whole brother thing...and now this? And i don't blame you about the counselor thing...I personally don't like talking to counselors either.

And don't feel like it's your's your dad's choice...and I'm really sorry that he made that decision.

Life is filled with tough times...and it's okay to cry...but sometimes I wish that we didn't have to. ;)


Maybe you can arrange to see your dad on certain days. (If possible) Same with your brother. You can get a phone number, and call him if you would like, but dont convince him to move back in. It was his choice, just arrange ways to keep in touch ;)

Keep in touch! Get together with him once a week, call him every day (or every hour, if you like), E-mail him! Think about it, it's not so horrible, you'll still get to see him sometimes! I understand that you're upset. I would be, too. And talking to counselors never works (i think the only experiance I had with a counselor she didn't even let me talk, just went on about something that, admittedly, was interesting, but completely off topic). But just remember that in every cloud there's a silver lining, even if it seems like there's only lightning.

Yes...the ripping of a family is like the ripping of a heart. You must be heartbroken already, with the whole brother thing...and now this? And i don't blame you about the counselor thing...I personally don't like talking to counselors either. And don't feel like it's your's your dad's choice...and I'm really sorry that he made that decision.

Life is filled with tough times...and it's okay to cry...but sometimes I wish that we didn't have to. :ph34r:

Thats what hurts me even more... It is my fault! I was the one telling my dad that he should stick with moving out and not to change his desisions! If he stayed it would have ruined my life so thats why I pushed him out! Now I lied to my mum saying I dont know anything about him moving out and I feel so terrible!

Love your life, even if times are tough. Stay in touch with everyone in it.

Maybe try telling your mom that you said some things you shouldn't have.

Life has it's ins and outs, but you'll end up on top of things again, and happy with all your decisions :ph34r:

Hope I helped.

Best Wishes,


Thats what hurts me even more... It is my fault! I was the one telling my dad that he should stick with moving out and not to change his desisions! If he stayed it would have ruined my life so thats why I pushed him out! Now I lied to my mum saying I dont know anything about him moving out and I feel so terrible!
No no no- it's not your fault. It really isn't.

I wouldn't want to go to a school cousenlor anyway. They kinda scare me. But I do go to an outside counselor/therapist and you have no idea how easy it really is to talk. At first I was thinking "how will I ever just talk it out! I'm so not like that!" but they make it really easy.

I think your parents will understand if you say you are hurting and would like to talk to someone about this. I know they realize it's not just hard on them but extremely hard on you too and they may be open if you ask.

I really suggest you talk about it with your parents. Ask if you can check some out and see if you can get into see one and just go from there. It's so much harder trying to cope by yourself and it can cause so much more pain down the road. If you go step by step instead of keeping it swelling inside of you, it will make it easier for you and all those around you.

You think its all my fathers fault dont you? Well its not. Its my mum...
Me? I'm not blaming anybody here. I'm just pointing out that it is not up to you to feel guilty. It wasn't your doing so don't let that get you down.

Me? I'm not blaming anybody here. I'm just pointing out that it is not up to you to feel guilty. It wasn't your doing so don't let that get you down.
No I'm not blaming you. Sorry if you thought I was. At school I mean, like everyone thinks its my dads fault. Its not. Why does my mum have to be like this and push him out?

I hate my mum. Shes like an enemy to me!!!

No I'm not blaming you. Sorry if you thought I was. At school I mean, like everyone thinks its my dads fault. Its not. Why does my mum have to be like this and push him out?
I hate my mum. Shes like an enemy to me!!!
I think I read wrong, then you read wrong. Lets see if I got this right now:

I thought you ment that I thought it was all your dad's fault. Then you thought I thought I ment that I thought that you said it was my fault, but I was just telling you [beacause of what I thought] that I didn't point fingers at either your mom or your dad.

Lol, confoozing but it doesn't really matter anyway. xP

BOT- Oh really? Is it possible then that you do live with your dad?

I think I read wrong, then you read wrong. Lets see if I got this right now:
I thought you ment that I thought it was all your dad's fault. Then you thought I thought I ment that I thought that you said it was my fault, but I was just telling you [beacause of what I thought] that I didn't point fingers at either your mom or your dad.

Lol, confoozing but it doesn't really matter anyway. xP

BOT- Oh really? Is it possible then that you do live with your dad?
Sorry T/WP! ;)

I cant live with my dad, My mum is sooo lazy she doesnt even go to work let alone try to clean up the house. My dad (Even when moved out) will still have to work and give money to my mum. Of course as you probably guessed, he is working so hard I ever get to see him and I hate being by myself. I would love to live with my dad but I feel really bad for my mum. She will think i've gone against her. Yes I know I said I hate her but even if you hate someone you will still feel sorry for them.

No I'm not blaming you. Sorry if you thought I was. At school I mean, like everyone thinks its my dads fault. Its not. Why does my mum have to be like this and push him out?
I hate my mum. Shes like an enemy to me!!!
my mom is my enemy too...

;) ;) and i hate the fact..

My dad has told my mum. When I saw her cry it made it feel like it was my fault. How could I push my dad out like that and lie to my mum pretending I didnt know? He's going this weekend.

Your parents problems are never your fault, even if you may have encouraged things to progress to him moving out. It was going to happen anyway if things were bad enough to get to this point.

It's ok. Life does go on.

This is just the beginning of a new way to live. Take things one day at a time. This won't be as bad and weird as it seems right now.

As for your family, family is what you make it. I adopted my friends families long ago as mine so I have a few families. :wacko: Family is more than blood.

If you want to keep eveyone together, you can be the one to do it but don't kill yourself doing it. Just keep your door open to them.

When my parents broke up, I was glad to see them have a chance of moving on. Life is about being happy and doing the best you can. Sometimes things don't work out and you have to move on.

Often times, people stay together just for the kids and it kills everyone that way. Moving on is awkward but you will be ok. They will be ok. It just takes a little while to get used to the new arrangement.

Your job now is to keep on keeping on and get good grades. Make them proud and happy that way.

In a year or so, maybe you can move in with him. I stayed with my dad and life was good for me that way. I would have gone insane with my mom. I hope he can get a place where you can move in. We need our fathers.

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