Caleb's Night Out


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May 30, 2008
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11 year old Sarah Stevenson looked at her tamagotchi. The screen said "Away". "I wonder why that would be?" She said, confused. She had no idea that her tamatchi, Caleb, had a whole secret life she never knew about...

"Hey, Mark! Lets go get a bite to eat at the food court!" Shouted a todler tamatchi, named Caleb. "I don't want to. I'm not that hungry, and I don't think my grouth spirt is for another few days, Caleb." Replyed Caleb's best friend, another Tamatchi, Mark. Just then, Mark evolved into a............

Young Mametchi! "Hey, you said you weren't going to evolve for another few days!!" said Caleb in shock. "Yeah, well." replied Mark, not knowing what to say. Caleb walked away.....

"You used me! You know I just evolved this morning, and you evolved 2 hours later!"Caleb said crying. "Well, I never liked you either! I'm going back to my own tamagotchi!" Mark said, angry that Caleb knew his secret. A said Caleb floated to the sky of TamaTown with his never-best-friend Mark. When Caleb got to his own world, 11 year old Sarah was happy to see that he was still alive, but burst into tears when his Happy and Hungry was all the way down. Just then.........

Sarah looked at the manuel that came with her new tama. V2-All characters and a secret one: Will you figure it out? She Looked at what her tama had become, and gave him it's last meal. She loved caleb very much, but she decided; It's the right thing to do.I have to reset him. I can't live with a nasty tama pet. As she reached for a pencil and was about to press the button that would end his little life, somethind made her stop and stare.

The Matchmaker had come! Exicted, she pressed the A button, and a Ponyitchi came out. 'Love?' the screen asked.

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