Calico critters


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Oh man! That brings back so many memories! I played with those when I was younger. Thier so adorable! <3

Who loves calico critters? I do they are so cute and fuzzy here is the site they are having a contest and I entered! I have about 30 pets and homes and toy shops and tons of other calico critters I recommend them they are made in new jersey! Get some!
I don't like them! :) They look like they are going to attack me! arrgh!! :D :( , only joking! :ichigotchi: :D

I think they are ok looking, and bytheway, no, I don't have any and I don't know what they are either!

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Mhmm, not my thing.
What about EMO or punk calico critters. See my link here is the link! that I posted of them :ichigotchi: or this one!

Do you think that these would be a good product to sell in the market?

*I'm not making fun of anyone here, I respect that you are a emo or a punk, but this is what I think the product would turn out like!*

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Hmm I never heard of them till now. They remind me of Sylvanian families, they're pretty cute but a bit babyish for me.

OMG I've never seen those but now I want one! * grabs my build a bear and hugs * lol I'm weird.

OMG I've never seen those but now I want one! * grabs my build a bear and hugs * lol I'm weird.
if you have a toy jungle store near you they would be there or any other toy store but not zellers, london drugs ect.... maybe at toys r us but if you have small toy stores near you they would probably be there

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