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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
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I just learned yesterday that a NEW nail product will be distributed to the public! You all normally use adhesive nails right? Well, these fake nails are PERSCRIPTION nails! they fit your nails PERFECTLY and they don't ruin them when you try to take them off! They last about 4-6 weeks, and they're out in New Zealand! I know the person who is trying to get them in America personally, so as soon as they have a couple of weeks left to get to the USA then I'll let you know! Cheers! :D

I don't wear fake nails, but that's interesting. Thanks. :D

Tama :mimitchi: Phantom

I hate fake nails.

I honestly dont see the point. Sure, you want your nails to look presentable but....really, just paint them and take care of them.

My nails are horrible. I rarely use nailpolish and I'm always picking at them.

:3 But I dont really care.

I like painting my nails too, and I'm rather good at it, I just like fake nails once in awhile because I can't grow my natural nails long without breaking them :lol:

My mom goes to "The Nail Place"(that's what me, my brother and sister call it!) and gets fake nails put on.

I'm confused, how do you keep fake nails on without adhesive?

I can't grow out my nails or wear fake ones - they'd clack when I play piano and would make it suuuuper hard to play the viola. So I have to either bite it or cut it. :p

Haha that's cool about prescription nails but I'm not really a fan of fake nails.

I got sum when I was 11 and they sucked they were too long and I couldn't scratch myself without getting a scrape!!!

*rants off in spanish about fake nails*

^ Same here tw/p. D:

Only I play guitar - so I can't have long nails. D:

Thanks for the info though, Starfire. :p

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