can girls and boys be friends?


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snappy c g

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2009
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If someone is friends with a boy or girl they think they are going out. I was just wondering what you peeps thout about boys and girls being friends.

They can totally be friends. It doesn't matter what the hell people think. :/

I like guys WAY more than girls.

I actually hate my own gender. Stupid girls and their stupid drama. </3

Offcourssee. :)

Why not?

I mean, according to the movies, they can't. But we don't live on the silver screen. I'm friends with a ton of guys, and our relationship is completely platonic.

Absolutely. Some people may think you're going out at first, but it doesn't matter. You're friends with people you like. Weather they like it or not :3

'course you can! I'm fine with being friends with boys, except there's this one guy who I think has a crush on me or something (which is slightly annoying), but otherwise, it's fine. If you want to be buddies with someone of the opposite sex, then go ahead.

Of course =]

I'm a girl, and I actually think it's easier being friends with guys. There's so much less dramaa... A lot of my best friends are boys =]

Who cares? As long as you're happy with who you are and your friends.I have a ton of girl friends!

Of course they can be friends.

People make stupid assumptions, and quite frankly, that's their own problem.

So long as you know the situation, and you're happy with it, what other people think or say should be no concern.

Of courseeee!!

I myself don't have as much guy friends as other people, but there's absolutely no problem with it. If all of a female's friends are guys, does that automatically mean she's going out with ALL of them? Of course not!


My best friend is a guy.

I just simply get along with guys more, mostly because im tom boyish.

And there fun to be around, I hate realtionships honesstly I prefer having guy friends.

Dont worry about people think your going out, people always tell me "Zomg you and nick would totally make a cute couple!"

but honestly I could never think of him like that, he's the closest friend I have ever had.

So just dont worry about it

(Sorry for the crappy grammer xD)

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For sure, I have lots of guy friends. I think guys are way easier to talk to than girls because they don't worry as much about stupid things. And the guys I'm friends with I would neeeever date. Ever. :]


If people think you're going out with a guy/girl you're friends with, don't worry about them.

[SIZE=10pt]Well, in some situations yes, In others, no. [/SIZE]

If the main intension of being friends with this person is to get closer to them to evetually date them, then well obviously not. But if its pure friendship, Yeah!C:

Sometimes when I'm friends with a guy, I feel like hes trying to be more then friends and I'm just...Oh well ._.

I wish in all situations boys & girls could be friends.


I felt like useing a font x]

That's a silly question. Of course you can dude. Most of my friends are dudes, they get me : ) Just go out there and prove em wrong.


It's not really healthy for girls to be with girls all the time anyway. You need a variety in friends.

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