Can I have some help =D


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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2007
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Umm... around.
Okay. Before I start, I just want you all to know I'm not fond to these topics to much either. Theres a lot but, my situation is most probaly diffrent from most.

Theres two boys I like. Ben & Josh.

Ben went out with me for 2 weeks. I dumped him twice. He woulden't get back with me =/ So, I thought I was over him today (Dec. 6) but my friends mood ring proves wrong. Apperantly dark blue.

Josh. 1 day relationship. I like him, a lot. And he thought I was emo and dumped me. Or so I thought. We had a dance on like ... Nov. something. I forgot ;-; He asked me out and I said yes. Because he lives 5 houses away from me and all and we would ride bikes together etc. So the next day, Ben was at his house and they were both outside, so I went to say "hi" and Josh ran >.> So did Ben xP It was kind of funny. So then he dumped me when I finally caught up to them. And evidently, today I found out he dumped me because he never liked me because I was a pest.

So. Theres a dance tomorrow. (Dec. 7)

I want to ask them to dance, but I know they'll say no ><;

So, there friend, Niles, walks over to my lunch table today. And heres the conversation:

Niles: $5

Me: ...Why?

Niles: For Josh & Ben

Me: Isn't that over exagerating just a little?

Niles: No, its profit.

Me: ;-; Go away you female dog.

Want to know why I called him a female dog? Because most people think the poor guy is gay because he flirts with boys and is so short he can sit on there laps =o


Back to the point.

Are they really worth all my troubles?

Look, if you've dated them twice and broke up with them, they aren't worth going back. Obviously something didn't work out the first time so why would it the next?

I think at this age you aren't mature enough to have this kind of relationship. Not that I'm saying you act like a little kid, because you aren't anymore, but he dumped you because you were "emo"? That's not how mature people handle things.

I'd say ask if one would like to go as a friendly couple. That way, there's no pressure to get back together again but you can still dance together and what not. ;]

I don't even think they like as a friend o_o Josh doesnt. I know he doesn't. Theres so many things I could prove that he doesnt like me as a friend. But Ben does. He lets me wear his sweater and what not. And when I ask why do you hate me he says he doesnt ;)

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okay heres the thing..i dont think they are worth your troubles unless you really care for them. and i also agree with tamaw/pants. If he dumped you beccause he THOUGHT you were emo..then u shouldnt really mess around with him, btu Ben seems to care about you a lot and i dont think u two should go any fruther than just friends.Again i agree with tamaw/pants..when they wrote 'something didnt work out the first time,so why would it the next?' but this is all up to you.

Those guys acted like four year olds. They're immature about relationships, and it's not gonna work very well.

Just try and find something else, they're not worth it. Maybe you and Ben should just stay friends, he seems to be nicer that way.

Okay. Before I start, I just want you all to know I'm not fond to these topics to much either. Theres a lot but, my situation is most probaly diffrent from most.
Theres two boys I like. Ben & Josh.

Ben went out with me for 2 weeks. I dumped him twice. He woulden't get back with me =/ So, I thought I was over him today (Dec. 6) but my friends mood ring proves wrong. Apperantly dark blue.

Josh. 1 day relationship. I like him, a lot. And he thought I was emo and dumped me. Or so I thought. We had a dance on like ... Nov. something. I forgot ;-; He asked me out and I said yes. Because he lives 5 houses away from me and all and we would ride bikes together etc. So the next day, Ben was at his house and they were both outside, so I went to say "hi" and Josh ran >.> So did Ben xP It was kind of funny. So then he dumped me when I finally caught up to them. And evidently, today I found out he dumped me because he never liked me because I was a pest.

So. Theres a dance tomorrow. (Dec. 7)

I want to ask them to dance, but I know they'll say no ><;

So, there friend, Niles, walks over to my lunch table today. And heres the conversation:

Niles: $5

Me: ...Why?

Niles: For Josh & Ben

Me: Isn't that over exagerating just a little?

Niles: No, its profit.

Me: ;-; Go away you female dog.

Want to know why I called him a female dog? Because most people think the poor guy is gay because he flirts with boys and is so short he can sit on there laps =o


Back to the point.

Are they really worth all my troubles?
ok i wouldnt rlly trust a mood ring .trust your heart.corny i know.oh well.its true.

I completely agree with TWP.

And also, mood rings only change colors with temperature changes in your skin. Usually if you're cold, your mood ring will turn black, indicating angriness or sadness.

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