can i make my tama v4.5 age quicker?


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Oct 20, 2007
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hi i got a new taamagotchi v4.5 on friday and it is a kid and i need to know how to make it turn to a teen asap.

Well you can't speed up ageing, I would just not pause it, (make sure you pay attention to it though!) and play lots of games. Good luck, I hope your tama turns into a teenager soon! Oh and congrats for getting a 4.5!

- Kisses,

TTG42 ^_^ ;)

Well it evolves the same time the next day (that it evolved into a todller)And there is no way Unless you had an angel or P1\P2

No. It won't evolve/age because you are either 'cheating the time', or pausing. Pausing once a day will interfere with your tamagotchi's growth. Try to keep it unpaused during the night =]

oh, and during the night, keep it asleep, dont pause it. In the morning it might be awake, but when you wake up, feed and care for the tama because it might have woken up early. Sometimes, tamas can evolve during the night, so make sure you turn the sound off so it doesn't wake you up in the middle of the night! You might wake up with an adult tama!

- Kisses,

TTG42 :huh: :eek:

You can't make time speed up (unless you debug it, DON'T DO THIS YOUR TAMA COULD BREAK FOREVR!!!!) Your tama child should turn into a teenager at the age of 1-2. And into a adult at the age of 2-4.

Pausing will slow the growth down! :(

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!!! :(

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