Can I throw the compy out the window now?


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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2008
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Earth. I think.
This laptop is junk. It is missing the arrow keys, the enter button, and falls asleep when I'm

typing. Seriously, what computer does that?!?

when we first got the thing, the keyboard and the hard drive needed to be replaced. This is why dad lets us use it. He has the 64-bit plasma screen computer with wireless keyboard and mouse that is also hooked up to the giant plasma tv/monitor on the wall.

We kids get this thing. The thing that cannot access my account and constantly logs me in on a temporary profile. Which makes it twice as hard as it should be to access my folders and stuff.

The thing that freezes if you have more than 3 things running.

The thing that is missing the arrow keys and enter button.

Does anyone else have a junky computer? Anybody?

No, but I hear laptops are rather painful. My friends shuts down in the middle of IM'ing me. She hates it.

Don't worry, you're not the only one. ;]

My computer is primative.

Good thing we're getting Windows Vista (Pro!) soon. :blink:

My brother totally ruined my mom's laptop. He put over 72 trojans on it and it took us a long time to clear. Now it lags, and I can't make tabs anymore from the two center buttons. The buttons are also a bit sticky, because the nasty child from hell eats while he's on it (he's a messy eater), and it won't charge properly (the screen's light stays the same while charging, and it won't get any brighter).

My brother should *cough*gotohellforthis*cough*.

My old one stunk too it froze when I had on like two programs at once even if it was just paint once I tried the internet and it took like 10 minutes to put the page up :) it made my school computers seem fast and those are slow as heck lol! Goodness I'm glad my dad got a new one that works better it only takes like 2 seconds for the internet page to come up the most it takes is 10 seconds lol. I love the new one better ^^.

My brother totally ruined my mom's laptop. He put over 72 trojans on it and it took us a long time to clear. Now it lags, and I can't make tabs anymore from the two center buttons. The buttons are also a bit sticky, because the nasty child from hell eats while he's on it (he's a messy eater), and it won't charge properly (the screen's light stays the same while charging, and it won't get any brighter).
My brother should *cough*gotohellforthis*cough*.
Sorry for the double post but wow 72 Trojans?! My goodness what was he thinking and how old is he?! One Trojan can fry the computer but 72 dang I'm surprised it's still usable! And I eat while I'm on ours too but I'm careful not to spill anything or my dad would be ticked off like a cow! Lol! I'm sorry but that comment just surprised me 72 Trojans?! :) :eek:

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Sorry for the double post but wow 72 Trojans?! My goodness what was he thinking one Trojan can fry the computer but 72 dang I'm surprised it's still usable! And I eat while I'm on ours too but I'm careful not to spill anything or my dad would be ticked off like a cow! Lol! I'm sorry but that comment just surprised me 72 Trojans?! :) :eek:
They were minor ones. You didn't have to double post, you could have just edited your old one. Trojans are quite easy to get rid of if you know how.

My brother spat coke all over the laptop's keyboard when I showed him a funny video. That kid has problems.

They were minor ones. You didn't have to double post, you could have just edited your old one. Trojans are quite easy to get rid of if you know how.
My brother spat coke all over the laptop's keyboard when I showed him a funny video. That kid has problems.
Oh I thought they were like severe we got a severe one once but it was one at least lol and sorry I didn't feel like editing my post lol.

My old one was pretty bad, but now I have this Toshiba (400$)

It's nice, Vista and all.

Ehh, I eat on it, so the little touch pad doesn't really work, it's all sticky, the keys stick, and it freezes every once and awhile, ehh. What do you expect though?

We don't have a junky computer but we have junky internet. Dial up is really sloooow and I can't play youtube videos without waiting an hour (for 3 minute videos) to load up completely.

He put over 72 trojans on it and it took us a long time to clear. Now it lags, and I can't make tabs anymore from the two center buttons. The buttons are also a bit sticky...
:p You kids... so that's what you call it these days ^_^ I can see why the keyboard is sticky... B)

Computers do not just break down. There are ways to make it run faster. I'm assuming this is a windows computer (since these are most common and easiest to clog up) so first you should delete any files that you don't need anymore (or save to disk and then delete) and then run disk clean up and then disk defragmentor. BE CAREFUL NOT TO DELETE ANY PROGRAM OR PROGRAM FILES!! Windows programs are all webbed together, there's no telling wether you're gonna be deleting something that will keep you from booting up your operating system so only user files should be deleted by you. Some programs have a uninstall program built-in and you can try running that.

Another thing you can do is try to prevent windows from automaticly booting up programs that run in the background by removing everything from your start up folder. If you are runing Windows XP with the bubble looking interface you can tell it o use the old style interface from right clicking on your desktop and changing the properties appearance settings to Classic Windows Style (whch you can change the colors of). From here you should also be able to change the power saving settings and maybe also settings for things like screen savers and sleep mode.

There are more advanced ways to get your computer to preform better too... but these should boost your computer's preformance a whole bunch.

~This has been brought to you by the people who got Final Fantasy 11 to work on a Pentium 3 Windows PC. :D

P.S. Vista is for losers! XP is much more stable and Japan still uses Windows 2000 for a REASON!!! :D

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My old one was pretty bad, but now I have this Toshiba (400$) It's nice, Vista and all.

Ehh, I eat on it, so the little touch pad doesn't really work, it's all sticky, the keys stick, and it freezes every once and awhile, ehh. What do you expect though?
Woah, 400?

Where'd you get it?

I am in need of convincing my parents to get me a laptop @.@

I have a laptop that works pretty nicely expept for the fact that it takes forever to get it loaded up and sometimes it doesn't realize it's plugged in when it is and dies. It's kind of a pain but it's better than nothing. :)

Not really.

What kind of laptop is it? Because I am getting a laptop for my 13th birthday [in a month] and I just was wondering so I dont make a bad mistake

Sorry About your trouble =[ Maybe you should talk to the company who makes the computer

I used to have one that was terrible. If you had at least 2 programs running, it can't take it and shuts down. While I'm IMing my friends, it turns itself off. It was an old Sony Laptop, and I'm pretty sure it was 8-10 years old. I accidentally dropped it and then it permentantly shut down (AKA crashed). We got an iMac and boy, it's great. You can have 10 things running and you don't even know it.

We also have a Vista downstairs. Terrible. :)

I have an ancient computer. It's Windows 98. It's not bad, it just that programs like Photoshop and Java don't work. It's totally incompatable with stuff like that. It doesn't crash randomly or anything though, which is good.

My Mac is pretty junky.

It's like super old, runs really slow, and can't really stream a video.

But, I live.

My parents won't buy me a good computer. Instead they give me an eight year old hunk of junk that is apparently a computer.

The screen isn't even attached to the keyboard (Yes, it's a laptop)! It will also freeze when you have more than 3 programs running, it runs at snail-pace, and it is missing countless keys >.<

I'd have better use of a typewriter if Im writing a school project than that piece of scrap metal and plastic.

Seriously o_o

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