Can Somebody Please Tell Me The Difference Between


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Well, Karma is what you get for good behavior or being a good member.

You have green Karma, which means you obviously got rewarded for something.

Yellow, orange, and red karma is BAD. it means you've done something wrong.

The bigger the green gets, the better it is.

Public shaming.

Example: (A member posts a departure topic)


OKAY! that's it!!!~ Mr. So an so (Pretend member...?) Is being really MEAN to me! and I cant take it!

^^ That is public shaming. Instead of stating the person's name they could of just simply stated that they feel 'bullied' or something like that.

Hope I helped!


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Yes, but the people with 'bad karma' are being labelled as 'bad members' and I can tell you that they're not. I know people with yellow karma who don't deserve it at all.


How come people with common sense are the ones who get punished?

Yes, but the people with 'bad karma' are being labelled as 'bad members' and I can tell you that they're not. I know people with yellow karma who don't deserve it at all.  

How come people with common sense are the ones who get punished?
Because common sense is mean, obviously.

Not everyone with bad Karma is labeled as a bad member. I know plenty of people who have yellow or orange Karma and they are my best friends.

MAYBE someone with yellow karma doesn't deserve it, but the staff is just doing their job.

..Eh, not everyone with common sense gets punished... =/

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It's not.

Guys, T_P really just asked a simple question, do you really need to fight over it? ._.

Only YOU can see your own karma.

If you don't like to see bad karma, don't earn bad karma.

Easy :D

There is no public shaming in that.

Yes, but the people with 'bad karma' are being labelled as 'bad members' and I can tell you that they're not. I know people with yellow karma who don't deserve it at all.  

How come people with common sense are the ones who get punished?
Because your view on common sense is either biased or skewed.

In any case guides award bad and good karma to members according to their behaviour. To get negative karma a guide always has good reason to give it, just as awarding people good karma for good things they contribute around the site. If someone has history of negative karma, then they did something to deserve it.

If you feel you need more information on why you have the karma you do, you can always PM a guide who awarded you good or bad karma to explain it in further detail instead of thinking like you are and jumping to conclusions :D

^You can see other's karma.  

When I got bad karma for flaming in a soda topic (XDD)

a few people asked about it.


Only you can see why you got it, but everyone can see whether you're 'good' or 'bad'.
Guides can see WHY the karma was issued on what date and by whom so they can keep record of a person's history here :D It would be violating someone's privacy if EVERYONE could see everyone else's rap sheet.

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