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Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
I want to know if it's ok to debug a Tamagotchi and what happens if it doesn't work. Can it screw it up at all?

Yes, you can screw up your Tamagotchi.

You can break it.

I mean, if you're careful and don't mind shelling out another $15 if you accidently break yours, I guess it's ok, right?

you should buy a second tamagotchi and try it thats what im gonna do just in case.

yeah... it's possible to screw up your tama unsuccessfully debug your tama.

Hope that helps. :lol:

Hello and Welcome I'm Violet a tama member here and I'd like to give you another warm welcoming here at Tamatalk this is a very nice place with lots of people and forums where you can ask questions and get answers, you can also always always ask me if you have any other questions regarding about Tamatalk if you want any information about me you can click here that is where my profile is help here in Tamatalk if you want to change ave or sig or pro. you can click here in My Controls is should help you with alot of things. if you can't find something that you are looking for click on the TamaTalk Map on the useful links column that should help you with alot. Wanting to play some games? Click Here for a useful link to the arcade or click on it on the useful links culumn. Ah one of my favorites that chat Click here to enter the chat but it's only open on saturdays but that's alright. I just gave a couple of great links to check out so why don't ya it'll start you great here in Tamatalk have lots of fun and welcome :D


~vi :D

:D Hello and welcome to! You will get very obsessed with this site once you join it! If you need help and your new to the Tamagotchi world go to my website (on my signature below) and then you will know a lot for a beginner. Tamatalk is a great site for Tamagotchi fans. You will have lots of fun here! If you need help go to “help for new Tamagotchi owners” and then make your topic, and you’ll get it answered! You will know so on like an expert about tamagotchis! So thanks for joining the community! Hope you make new friends! :D

:ph34r: ~Ivette~ :lol:

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