Can Someone Please help me?!


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
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Oh my gosh! I went to the park today with my little brother, and there was a guy sitting in a minivan, giving us a cold hard stare! We couldn't run to our mom, cuz she was at work (she still is, this just happened!) but he was watching our every move! he was parked too, and he wouldn't look at anybody else, so we got really freaked out! we looked him up on the website (AMW) when we ran home, and I asked my little brother if he thought that the guy we saw outside looked like the guy on the internet. We looked and he said it really looked like him! Also, The profile said that he liked to hang around parks, so we called our mom and told her about him. We are too scared too call our dad (in North Dakota) and we fear what he would say. We have closed all the blinds! the guy didn't leave until we ran. We are so scared! what should we do? Please respond soon! The guy is known for molesting young kids and teens! Help!

does anybody know what I should tell my dad, and should I tell a teacher? I am freaked out!

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I can't do that anytime soon, cuz my mom likes it up here, and I am too scared to really talk about it to my parents

My mom doesn't get home until 10:30 pm!

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You need to wait for an adult to work out this situation. Right now you should wait for your mom to return home then figure out what to do.

Just lock all the doors. Turn the Tv on and play loud music. He'll think your family is there if he actually followed you home.

This will be inmature but next time he sees u go cuss him out!

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thank you guys for all the help, but unfortunately, we live in an apartment, so we can't have anything loud, but we can have the tv and music...

Cussing a pedophile out isn't a good idea. At all.

Lock the doors and windows, put down the curtains and blinds, and then call the police.

Question: What does 'Molesting' mean? Sorry. ^_^

I don't think he'd follow you home, but just in case, lock the doors.

Question: What does 'Molesting' mean? Sorry. ^_^
I don't think he'd follow you home, but just in case, lock the doors.
It means to touch people in their private areas, and without them agreeing to it, or being underage. That is the best way I can put it.

Oh my gosh. ^_^ I would be so scared if I were you. Just lock all the doors and stuff... Maybe call the police?

as much as I want to do that, he could have a gun and shoot me if I started up with him...
Go like put up ur middle finger and while ur saying that say f*** u!Then run as fast as u can!

Go like put up ur middle finger and while ur saying that say f*** u!Then run as fast as u can!
Would you please stop?

That might work on a 9 year old kid, but a chicld molester? Um, no.

If anything that will make your situation worse.

As someone already mentioned, turn on all the lights and play loud music and put the T.V. on.

Try not to worry about it because you have done all you can do for now.

Wait till your mom comes home and then talk to her about it. If you do see him hanging around your house and you are seriously scared, call the police. If he did follow you home, yes call them- these people shouldn't be on the streets. >.>

Go like put up ur middle finger and while ur saying that say f*** u!Then run as fast as u can!
That's a really good way to get kidnapped.

Pissing off a potential criminal is NOT a good thing to do.

Stay in the house and try to call your mom at work. She may come home early to make sure you're okay. If you can, call a friend whose parents are home and see if they can come pick you up and stay at their place until your parents can come get you.

You might also see if there's another trusted adult who can come stay with you until you can get ahold of one of your parents.

If either of those don't work, lock all the doors and windows, close the blinds and keep the lights on. Keep a tv or stereo on so there's some noise in the house.

Also, don't answer the door for anyone. Unless you have a peep hole in the door and you can see it's a friend, don't open or unlock the door.

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There are a few things in your story that don't make much sense.


How could you have looked him up on the internet if you don't even know his name? What 'profile'?

Also, just because he was watching you dosen't mean he'd do any harm to you.


If you're scared, call your mom. Make sure the doors are locked, ect.

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